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norwalk ct
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HI guys gals hope you all had a great holiday. Santa brought me a 28 NANO LED . It's coming wensday . just wanted to know if i use all the LR from my old tank & all the water will I still have to cycle it ? Also do I need to add a sump & can I grow hard coral with this lighting ? Thanks everyone & enjoy your weekdnd Jason


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you must have been a good person this year. what will you be doing with substrate? you can add a sump, idk about drilling your nc. if i were you i'd use a sapphire skimmer, and maybe a HOB refugium and call it a day..you generally won't cycle imo. im just worried about substrate, if you use your old sand, you might release all the gasses in your sand bed as you transfer the sand into your nc, which could mess with the water chemistry.. show some pics of your new tank, i saw the video on nano tuners its sick! how many blues/whites did you get? i don't see why you wouldn't be able to keep sps..


if you haven't, read/watch the video! good luck can't wait for pictures!


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Congrats on the new tank and post your progess as you go along. You can use all your old substrate and rock - its actually the best way to start the new tank if you have no pests in the old tank - and as long as you dont leave it without water, heat, circulation for too long, the cycle will be minimal.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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the cycle will be minimal

strongly suggest switching sand over first to tank fill partially run some type of filter to collect debris and keep stirring sand up, do this for a few hour's, i have done 6 tanks this way with no loss's, diatom filter is best to use or a canister with super fine pad to get as much as possible


24g Aquapod Nano
Norwalk, CT
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I purchased a tank and with it came all of the water, live rock and sand. I will say that I set it all up that same night just a few hours later, did a very vigorous fresh-water washing of the sand with a garden hose and once all put back together, the tank did not cycle at all. It's been up and running for about 6 weeks now and it's been great.

Good luck, post lots of pics ... and hello from Norwalk!



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New York
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I remember seeing a very narrow HOB overflow box that was designed for the RSM. If you are dead set on running a sump (though i dont think you really need one for this setup) you might want to check it out.


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how big is your old tank? if is about the same size as the new one, personally, I start with new subtrate, move all the water, LR, clean out ALL the filter media with your tank water, theres no reason why you have to cyle your tank again, just don't add new livestocks for a few weeks, everything should function the same, if your new tank is a bit larger, either use ro/di, or buy preped water. If your water perimeters are good enough + good lighting, you can grow anything.


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Jay, I have gone from my 29 to my 55 to my 24 pod to my now running solana. Switchover took a day. I used new live sand and rock that was in previous tank. Livestock stood in a QT for a day then added into the tank with no problems. Except for my melanarus wrasse who switched from my 24 pod to my 34 cube by hiding in the rock and he got to enjoy the tank before any of the other fish.

I used the water that was in the tank previously and did a 5 gallon water change about 2 hours before adding the livestock in the QT the next day. Only one anthias who was VERY stressed out before the move from my 29 to my 55 was lost.
New York
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i just did a 24 pod to a 34 solana its in the tank thread section i explained exactly how i did it yesterday and everything looks great.. buy a bag of new live sand [if moneys a factor than do what nyreef said so you can keep your original sand.


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how deep is your sand bed from the old tank? if is over 2-3 inches, I'd probably wouldn't move the sand, bacteria only lives on the upper surface of the subtrate, by moving/overlapping them, might actually kill the bacteria, might do more harm than good. once again, everything stated is IMO. lol. Dont' need anymore angry people attacking me here.

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