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hi everyone im new to all this my friend just helped me set up a 20g tank today. i got hooked when i saw his tank in person he had all this nice stuff that i wanted to start my own so here i am. so far i have two 24" t5 retrokit, 10 pounds of live rock, 30 pounds of sand and a marineland bio weel hang on filter. i plan to get a skimmer later down the line but their so many out their that idk what to get? Any advice? links or sites to help me understand further?also what do you guys think i can keep with 2 24: t5 retrokit? i wanna keep a pair of clowns and a anemone but dont know if that would be enought light?


Advanced Reefer
New York
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Welcome to MR!!!

Sounds like you are off to a good start. I would ditch the bio-wheel and get a skimmer as soon as you can, and would hold off on the anemone for a bit, but other than that you look like you are off to a great start. Just remember to ask a ton of questions and take it slow.
Upper East Side
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It depends on what kind of skimmer. When I had a 29g, I used an aquac ev 120 that I bought on the forums for 150. Just troll the for sale threads and you will find a good deal on whatever you decide on.

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Old School Reefer
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Hi. Welcome to MR.

Are you running a sump underneath your 20g tank? Or are you looking for a HOB (Hang On Back) skimmer? Right now I'm really liking the CPR AeroForce HOB skimmer. It performs excellent and for the price it is extremely well built and efficient.

Again, welcome to MR and don't hesitate to ask questions and read, read, read.

Bronx, NY
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Hey n00b! Well, I'm new too! MR is totally awesome. Sounds like you have a nice setup going there!

I'ma chime in with masterswimmer, you should fit a sump on there as well, they are sooo efficient and not too tough to DIY. External filtration is the bestest idea


Advanced Reefer
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+1 on removing the bio wheel will cause more problems down the road.also do u have room 4 a sump under the tank best way 2 go.that should be enuff light 4 clowns and a nems... ohh yea welcome....
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thanks for all the welcomes .... Just trying to read about all this salt water stuff bc I'm really getting into the hobby and quite understand it all but I have slot of questions I'm hoping all of u or some could answer thanks

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