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Is anyone running this skimmer? or heard anything good about it?? was thinking about getting this skimmer for a 220 setup, going to have a heavy bioload and the skimmer is rated for up to 400 gallons. so thought this would be a good skimmer.
No I don't think that would be a great idea because a regular ASM G4 comes with a Sedra 5000 and it works with that. An ASM G4+ is the same as the ASM G4 it's just that the + means that they upgrade the pump for you to a Sedra 9000, so I think that a Sedra 15000 is overkill for it. If you take off one 0 on the pump number that's how much GPH the pump puts out so 1,500gph is just too much in my opinion especially when you compare it working with just a 500gph pump


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The G4X is 30 inches. I have a G3 and its 25. Im running it on my 150 with no problems. I would like to get the g4x but it doesnt fit under my tank. An alternative is the octopus 300 it is shorter but rated for more gallons.

yes sorry i meant 15000 problem is the hight. i have only have room for a 25 inch tall skimmer, i wonder if i can put that pump on the regular g4?
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Advanced Reefer
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This is a great skimmer, I have it pumping on 20 tanks at 30 gals each, havn't had a major problem with it, it does its job.


Advanced Reefer
Mount Vernon, NY
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I run a G3 in my 120 and it is by far the best skimmer I have ever had. Dollar for dollar. It is very easy to maintain, affordable, economical to run and does a great job skimming. The pump is reliable and is easy to get replacement parts to cover the unforseen. Beckets and down drafts are great but the cost to buy and run them is crazy. There are other skimmers with mesh mods that may pull more but they often require constant tweeking. If not the brand I would strongly recomend the design type for its performance, cost of ownership and ease of use.
alot of better skimmers for the money, you got rid of a better skimmer then the asm, imo very cheaply built, owned the g1, g2, g3 id look at the dx ex2 grisha has f\s

Idk I agree with you that there are better skimmers but I don't agree with the fact that they're cheaply made. I like the way they skim, personally, the down side to them, I think, is the way the input on them is, it doesn't allow for the whole skimming chamber to be used to it's maximum. I personally modified mine so the water starts all the way from the bottom of the skimmer and so it spins its way up, to create a kind of vortex so the bubbles work their way up as slow as possible. Euro reef skimmers may be made better as far as material because it's acrylic instead of PVC but they're not all that much different besides the neck which I don't with is all that much of an advantage. They use the same pumps and the way you adjust them is exactly the same.

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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asm makes excelent skimmers. now i have the asm mini-G, but for a small skimmer it is a beast and i have only heard good things about asm skimmers. from now on whenever i get a skimmer it will be asm unless there is a offer i cant refuse on something else.
asm makes excelent skimmers. now i have the asm mini-G, but for a small skimmer it is a beast and i have only heard good things about asm skimmers. from now on whenever i get a skimmer it will be asm unless there is a offer i cant refuse on something else.

Yeah I'm the same way now, I got my ASM G4+ off of someone on here over a year, if not two, ago for $50 and ever since I've really liked them. I built a tank for my gf and at first I had gotten the Euro-reef RS80 after hearing good things about it but I wasn't happy with the way it skimmed and the way that the level in the skimmer dropped as the level in the sump dropped, my ASMs never did that. So I sold the RS80 and bought her an ASM G3 and it is skimming like a beast just as I expected. I think that in this hobby once you find a company that makes equipment you like and that puts out what you're looking for it's best to stick with that company because trial-and-error in this hobby is not cheap. On the other hand my cousin has a deltec skimmer, he got in a complete set-up deal and that thing skims like crazy and it produces such a fine bubble mix but for me the price tag is unreachable, at least for now


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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asm and euroreef are built the same basically other then asm use's cheap acrylic, the crappy design on the neck that 99% of them the seal goes bad and even once replaced it still leaks, water level drops on any skimmer the performance will change, it changes back pressure and pull on the pump. as stated these are my opinions as someone who has had alottttttttttttttt of skimmers. dolar for dollar on new skimmers vertex is by far the best skimmer out there dollar for dollar

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