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NJRC Member
North, NJ
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I recently picked up the Coralife 72 Inch Aqualight Pro, 3x150W HQI MH Lamp + 4x96W PC + 4x1W Lunar LED

The gentleman I purchased it from said he only ran his PC to act as an initial light before the MH came on then would run only the MH and at night run the PC for another hour.

So basically 12 - 1 PC - 1 PC off
1 - 7 MH - 7 MH off
8-9 PC

The bulbs are 14K each, but should I run my PC in along with the MH or are the MH enough?

Also where can I place different kind of corals? My tank is a 135 (72 x 18 x 24)

I am thinking SPS upper 30% of the tank, LPS and Softies the lower portion? And what would I be able to keep on my sandbed as far as corals?

Also can I place acan and stuff on sandbed?


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renegade reefer
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I run similar light cycle I never run the actinic the same time as my mh as the mh is enough light when placing coral in ur tank you would want start them out on the bottom give them time to get used to ur light after a few day you move them to were they would do good for example you would not want start a ricordia colony at the top of ur tank ur mh would fry them ... You would want to a do some research of you own on the coral and animals you want to keep some stuff that do good in my tank will do different in ur tank flow \temp \ect


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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Flow is produced by 2xmp40w and a mag18 split to 2 returns.

I want to keep mainly hammers, torches, favias, brains, mostly lps and maybe some sps.

Will the lps be ok on the sandbed if I decide to put it there as it's home?

I would love to pickup a blue acropora but I've read they're very hard to keep.

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NJRC Member
North, NJ
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Also would it be possible to keep a maxima or deraea clam on thr sandbed or would it need to be in the middle/upper portion of the tank given my light?

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