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"Need Help"
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Saltwater newbie, I have pretty much set up my entire tank on advice from my LFS. Would love input on how to improve my 90 gal reef tank from all on MR. Also would like some input on some do's and don't's on MR
Thanks In Advance................Go Yanks in 2010...........

90Gal Oceanic.....
48" 4 Bulb Odyessa T5-HO 2- Actinic & 2-12000k with 8 blue leds. Sump (not sure what kind)I think with a 900 mag pump, Cora-life Protien Skimmer , Kent Marine Phos-reactor, 2- #4 hydra Korrila's, 250 watt ceramic heater, About 100pds of live rock. Fish: Coral Beauty, Banggai Cardinal, Diamond goby, convict Blenny, 3 green chromies, and Purple Fire Fish....... For Our Coral To much To fast........
Bubble tip Anemone, Long Tentacle Anemone, Sebae Anemone, Green Star Polyps, Kenya Tree, Coco Worm, Leather Toadstool, Open Brain, Closed Brain, Fox Coral, Hammer Coral, Metallic Green Torch, Gargoian Tree, Galaxea and last but not least War Acan (my favorite coral by far)


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Welcome to MR, the tank looks great.

Do you use tap or RODI water?


Advanced Reefer
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wow tank looks real nice.the only thing i see is your rock placemnet.it look like you have a bunchof small rocks piled up and they look like they can fall.but looks can be decieving.and maybe you can get 1 more reactor and put carbon in it.great start to a beautiful tank


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Nice assortment of fish & corals! They all look happy & healthy!

If there is anythning to critize (constructively that is) is your live rock placement. I have to say that they are way to close to your glass which must be making it a pita to clean the glass.:(

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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is that crushed coral or sand substrate? if crushed coral that can cause nitrate problems. with the coralife skimmer, treat yourself to a good euro reef or asm skimmer. and when you say sump do you mean wet dry or refugium? a wet dry with a reef tank can again cause nitrate problems.


"Need Help"
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Thank you all for your points of views...
There are small and big rocks in the tank. We placed all the rock prior to adding the substrate and made sure that they were very very very stable. :) We then added live sand and we topped it with crushed coral.
We do not use RO water and operate the tank on a wet/dry sump.
What size sump do you recommend for this tank? We have our protein skimmer and the phos reactor in there and we are starting to get packed. And "I" (wifey) don't want a lot of things hanging on the top of the tank...


Advanced Reefer
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i would get as big of a sump as i could fit under your display tank.then you can get whatever you want without seeing anything up top.everything including your heater will go in there.as for a sump ,you can either get a hangon overflow box which is good but if there is a power outage you might have a flood.or u can drill the tank and have no worries.1 of the most important things to have is a ro/di unit in m,y opinion.look into it.it hooks right up to your sink make the water and put it away.i have it hanging in the basement hooked up to a laudry hose and it drains out my window.


renegade reefer
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nice looking tank welcome to Mr. I would def get rid of the wet dry and get sump \fuge you can throw some live plants\lr \mineral mud etc in it ..or what ever you want also you have some were to put pita fish when they start the crazyness in ur dt.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I agree with the above that it's a nice starter tank. I also agree that the sump will be a big improvement, and the live rock should be moved away from the glass. :)

I'd also look at increasing your flow with some additional Koralias.

The biggest suggestive criticism is the three anemones, all different species in the same tank. IMO this will only be a recipe for disaster sooner rather than later. Also, 'nems should be added after the tank has been established for a while. (I also don't feel it's enough light for an anemone)

Overall though very nice tank. I like your fish assortment. It's great to see a 'newb' (as you call yourself) that doesn't have a completely overstocked tank. Kudos to that. ;)


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I agree nice tank,

Also think you would need more light to keep everything thriving with the depth of a 90.

I upgraded my lighting from a 4 bulb to a 6 bulb Current USA and sold my previous one in here very easily.


"Need Help"
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Thanks to all again....
As far as the Fuge. I love one, moneys alittle tight but will be searching for one very soon. (any suggestions on a brand ..and size?)

For powerheads, i have 2 more on the right side (1 down deep in the back for dead spot along the back of the tank, and one on top both cover by LR)still think I should add one more?
As far as the lighting goes i have been thinking that I need more light. U think 6 bulb will be enought , or do they make an 8 bulb?
Now w/ the anemones, what type odr disaster are we talking about? Should i get them out like RIGHT NOW , and if so which One?
As far as RO/DI water I am in process of looking for a big enough unit to make enough water for all three tanks per day as well as the best price

Again thanks so much in advance.... ...


north jersey
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Thanks to all again....
As far as the Fuge. I love one, moneys alittle tight but will be searching for one very soon. (any suggestions on a brand ..and size?)
look for a big sump with room for a fuge in it...check out for sale section here...sometimes you come a cross one at very good price. assuming you have a standard 90 gal (48x18 foot print), the bigest sump you can put underneath the stand will be limited by the access doors or through the back of the stand. i had a 36x16x18? which i had to put the sump in the stand before i place the tank over it. it would not fit through the door opening nor the back.
For powerheads, i have 2 more on the right side (1 down deep in the back for dead spot along the back of the tank, and one on top both cover by LR)still think I should add one more?
i think so.
As far as the lighting goes i have been thinking that I need more light. U think 6 bulb will be enough , or do they make an 8 bulb?
yes they do make 8 bulbs t5's. like this
Now w/ the anemones, what type odr disaster are we talking about? Should i get them out like RIGHT NOW , and if so which One?
this i don't know.
As far as RO/DI water I am in process of looking for a big enough unit to make enough water for all three tanks per day as well as the best price
check out bulk reef supply http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/products/reverse-osmosis-filters-and-systems or the filter guys.http://www.thefilterguys.biz/ro_di_systems.htm they have reasonable price ro/di units. don't get the 100 gpd membrane. the rejection rate is 90% vs 98% on the 75 gpd or the new 150 gpd(which i've never seen one). you can also double up two of the 75 gpd membranes to get a 150 gpd. if you have well water like i do, you don't need chlorine filter but you will likely need a booster pump since most well pump maintain pressure less than the recommended 65 psi...what that means is you won't be producing as much water if your pressure is low.

Again thanks so much in advance.... ...


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