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I've upgraded to a 38G from a 20G tank. I have two HOB filters that I can use for my tank. They were used for my goldfish.

I have one Whisper 4 and an AC 70. The HOB filters provide water flow and keep the water crystal clean. I can also use the filter on a QT tank if needed.

The filters are currenlty running with only floss pads and foams. Would you recommend some other filter medias to add? I know bio-balls are not good for SW. What about some ceramic cylinders for bacteria growth?

I'm not going to turn the AC70 to a fuge. I just it is too small and I am not a DIY person.

One issue of using my AC 70 is it produces a lot of bubbles when the water level falls below the filter oulet level. I'm thinking adding a filter floss pad on the outlet, so the water basically would flow right out the filter through the pad. It eliminates the water splash sound as well as the bubbles. I'm open to any other ideas.

BTW, the tank does't have a skimmer or a refuge.

Thanks in advance.


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Only thing I would run in any HOB filter would be activated carbon with regularly changed out floss.:)

How often should I change the carbon?

I thought we should never change floss to perserve the beneficial bacteria reside on it, no? This was always the case for FW, but it maybe different in SW.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Carbon depends on you, some change it monthly, some use less and change it weekly, or biweekly.;)
Floss, spongeg, bio balls, ceramic noodles all hold on to detrius which will eventually raise your nitrates if you don't clean them often. Cleaning consists of rinsing them in fish tank water that you remove during a water change.

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