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Hey all I have kept african cichlids in the past for a few years and currently decided to move over to salt water and try my hand at a reef tank, I currently have a 55gal tank that started to cycle 2 days ago so not much is doing in there yet. i have about 30lbs of live rock and 10lbs base rock, and 2 shrimp for an ammonia source. so far i have a diy refugium with nothing in it until it cycles and i have 2 koralia #2 on the way and i am currently reaserching skimmers and lighting. my question is for a 55gal tank what is a good skimmer you could reccommend and what would you do for lighting on this tank? and what are your thoughts on a uv light after the tank is cycled?

Thanks, Ryan
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Advanced Reefer
New York
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Hey Ryan,

Welcome to the hobby!

To answer your questions...

1. I hope the shrimp are dead not alive ;)
2. The best bang for the buck skimmer if you dont have a sump is the AquaC Remora IMO
3. Keep an eye out on the boards for a 48" t5 or pc fixture. You can get halides if you want them, but they kick off a lot of heat and you dont really need that much light until you start keeping sps.
4. I'm not personally a big fan of running a UV but some people use em.


Advanced Reefer
Sound Beach,LI
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Welcome to the world of reefkeeping, Ryan. The one thing Id suggest is STAY AWAY FROM PC'S. IMO They arent worth the price. When I fist started getting thing for my tank, a LFS salesman pointed me in the direction of a power compact light. I thought I was slick and went and bought the same fixture the guy showed me at half the price on ebay. I set my tank up 10 mnths ago(75 gal) and the light worked great for about 2 months. The lights are so much dimmer now, that you can actually SEE the difference. I went to buy new bulbs and they are at least 45 bucks a piece!!!! Thats $180!! I could go and get a new light fixture for that price. Try the T5's. Ive heard greta reveiws about them. Just try to make sure there are individual reflectors for each bulb. Good luck with your tank


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Take the shrimp out and toss em, put a pinch of fish food in there. Same effect, a lot less stink.


Advanced Reefer
New York
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There are a ton of skimmers out there. all depends how much you want to spend. i guess i would say that the DAS skimmers are really good. Look for the DAS EX1 or BX1 if you can find one. Octopus and ASM are also worth checking out. They are decent and cheap...


One Evil Reefer
Manhattan, NY
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Checkout the skimmer thread. Several of us "skimmerheads" sort of like sneakerheads have been through a "few". It can never be dark, thick and stinky enough skimmate to make anyone happy. Figure 100 bucks to 1,000 depending on if you choose the Yugo or the Ferrari. Patience is very important in this hobby/addiction. So don't rush in as hard as it might be. My .02.
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Not to mention a few cheap cycle fish that won't get vicious like some twin spot damsels

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee DO NOT take that bit of advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no need to sacrifice living animals in order to cycle a tank.

You have already been directed to the Protein Skimmer thread.;) I'd definitely go and read it.:) Tons of great info there.


Experienced Reefer
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ok IMO and you can take this to the bank. do not buy a aqua c skimmer they are a pain in the ass find a good even small cone skimmer even if it's to small but does the job it will be better than a skimmer that you cant get going ! and dont spend alot of money ive got 5 skimmers that dont work well and a aqua c 120 that suck's! if you want to spend. money buy good live rock you will use it for ever in your sump and it will allways have some part for your reefing need's. and dont kill fish to cycle this tank you will kill some along the way. anyway's slow down enjoy your rock work you will move the rock 100 time's till you like it anyway's get your test kit's do water change's buy salt RC or brightwell is best. remember test and when all is well get your CAM right cal alk mag light's t5 or M/h IMO!!!! get the dead shrimp out and dont put fish food in a tank that does not have fish in it!!your live rock will cycle the tank just fine and if you have all of your levels in 3 week's good than ad a fish or to i would get a algae blennie and a sailfin cuz the next thing will be hair algae and they will take care of it for ya be good have fun and if you need any thing hit me up and if aqua c skimmer's are plug and play i need to get out of this hobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Glad to see that you know enough not to use a living fish to cycle a tank.:)
But we never tire of repeating DO NOT use living fish no matter how cheap they are to cycle a tank, it is cruel! Because we have new people (hopefully) reading on the board that need to read that bit of advice! Especially behind someone stating to cycle a tank with a cheap fish.:(
Cheap, or expensive they are alife, and consequently are made to suffer needlessly!!!!

Have you read the "Skimmer Thread"?
Click here: Skimmer Thread - Manhattan Reefs


One Evil Reefer
Manhattan, NY
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Agreed, food rather than any sustainable life form is a better source and much less cruel as I throw the hermit crab that has been eating all my turbo snails into the sump...oops did I say that out loud?
Jersey City NJ
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Hey bro stay away from the sea clone skimmers they are a great price but they dont skim too well IMO find a nice aqua remora or coralife skimmer. Hey man i am ditching my freshwater tank for a cichlad tank. well gl post pics of your tank to see how your rockwork is looking


Advanced Reefer
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Here is a quick shot of my tank with the rock work so far, 35lbs live rock and a few pieces of holey rock.


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