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Reefs R Madness!
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I've noticed some bright green growth that i think is algae growing just below the surface of the sand all around the glass in pockets. there are also some pockets of algae that could be coraline (same color). Does coraline start out as bright green and then turn the purple reddish pink color? I've noticed greenish specs on my liverock and i think it is turning into coraline but it may just be my imagination... sorry i'm rambling!!!


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long island
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No No it is ok, it is good to ask question the more you know the better you are. Also try to take a picture and post it. coraline is redish pink there is also hard green algie that gows on the glass as well, but not on the sand. Try cleaning the glass and see whats happens, as for the sand hard to tell.


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I actually just started seeing the same thing, didnt start until I started to use purple-up. It is growing on the glass, below the sandline. a real bright green. It comes off the glass to easily to be coraline from what I hear


Advanced Reefer
Flushing, NYC
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I don't think it's Coraline which is hard and purple.

Your tank maybe in a cycle with algae bloom...that reddish-purple (velvet-looking) maybe signs of cyno.


Advanced Reefer
long island
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well nm that is def coraline algie and it is gorwing because purple up has coraline growth agens it and with traces of coraline spors to help the coraline grow. I do not know how true it is of the coraline growth for prple up but it is the new newbbie thing to do now I started off with it as well but then stopped. dretus if it is red and hairy or slimely then it is probly red slime algie which is a problem.


Reefs R Madness!
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The tank has been up for 2 months but i started up with an existing tank that i got from my friend that had coraline covering the back wall and i used some of his sand that he had in there. I also broke off some flakes of coraline and put it on my live rock in hopes it would spread. here are some pictures:

(i've never posted any pictures so i hope this works)


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