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Experienced Reefer
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Hi Guys... First post so here goes!

Just started a nanocube 28g 1.5 mos ago. Set up with 40# cured live rock that I bought locally. Have a percula, randall's goby, and firefish. All seemed well until i noticed a giant Aiptasia infestation. I have heard that peppermint shrimp work quite well, and was thinking I would pick some up, but at the same time I wanted at some point to get a pistol shrimp to complement my goby. Would I be able to keep the two together?


Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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the pistol will not go with any other shrimp/decent size crabs. besides do not get the peppermint shrimp. there are 2 main types of peppermints and only one will contemplate eating aptasia(probably not), but both will pick on and eat corals

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