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paoli, pa
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I think saltwater critters has it for less and delivery is faster.

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you think? if you actually take the time to look, the actual reactor is 4 or 5 dollars cheaper, but the pump is more and the media is almost double.


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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Once i have those 3 things what will it do for me and how would i test and or maintain it?

it will absorb phosphates. you would test the phosphate level in your water to see what it's doing for you.
as far as maintenance, i change out my media about once a month.


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it will absorb phosphates. you would test the phosphate level in your water to see what it's doing for you.
as far as maintenance, i change out my media about once a month.

Thanks for the help i have an aquaclear30 that runs at about 175gph i could turn that down as the pump you recommended ran at about 100gph

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