I just split my return from a single 3/4 to a dual 3/4 .. also upgraded from a mag 9 to a mag 12 but the flow looks like its very slow no pumping out that much what should i do??
For every added foot of plumbing you lose 100GPH if I remember right and for every 90 elbow if using PVC you have to add 2 feet of head so even though you upgraded pumps you doubled your plumbing pretty much and may have to go bigger than the pump you upgraded to maybe?
well figure if you had x amount of pressure coming from 1 it will be cut in half by splitting it. adding 300 gph more then old pump isnt doubling the flow. in over all your getting more gph but with the split your still putting out less gph on each one but more on a over all. i dont use return as a means of flow for my tank, thats what the power heads are for. id look into upgrading power heads instead, and what size tank is this on ? and whats the gph on your drain ?