I finally got my new upgrade tank in the right condtions . My light is a tek 5 4x54 2 whites 1 attic and 1 fiji purple. So what corals are good starter corals,thanks
bronx173 i can give u a nice little starter pack as a nice deal when u come pick up the stuff from me shoot a pm when u want swing by my crib ill huck u up lmk
ok test your salt, mag, alk, and cal,also test the trates. I would start off with a basic coral a soft coral called kenya tree or coly coral I have some if you are going to be at th swap I can give you for free.
do 2 super actinic, 1 white and 1 fiji purple, it wont only look better but will be better for corals. what i just advised u to do is what i have on my tank and its amazing
I wouldn't go with a Kenya tree they grow large and start to take over the tank. I have to trim mine back every month. It would not be in there but the GF likes it.