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Reefs R Madness!
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Another livestock compatibility issue:

I have a skunk cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp. That don't fight, but peppermint is intimidated by cleaner.

Would it be ok to add a pistol shrimp to my tank? Will they all fight?

Tank is 29 gallon biocube with lots of LR.
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I actually had a blood shrimp, cleaner and pistol and they were all fine, i took out the pistol and picked up a peppermint and still everything cool. Just pistol is a damn bulldozer! watch out for coral on the sand lol burried alive!


Reefs R Madness!
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I actually had a blood shrimp, cleaner and pistol and they were all fine, i took out the pistol and picked up a peppermint and still everything cool. Just pistol is a damn bulldozer watch out for coral on the sand lol burried alive!

wow didn't realize they would bury frags. is it really bad? I have a small tank and the sandbed has a lot of frags so it might not be good.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Some pistol shrimp definitely can be a danger to other shrimp -- heck, I've heard of them taking out mantis shrimp in a fight. If you get a small one paired with a small goby, you most likely won't have any problems. If you pick up a random pistol shrimp, or one that gets large, then you may have problems.

Pistol shrimp are one of those organisms which can be considered a -potential- danger to every invertebrate (and even small vertebrates) in the tank -- but the danger is significantly mitigated because they tend to stick to their holes and not actively hunt for things to kill, though YMMV. And, of course, the smaller they are, the smaller the prey they can manage. But remember that that pistol action is for stunning and killing their dinner.

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