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Experienced Reefer
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I was wondering if there was anything I could do about the algae against the glass on the sand bed? I see it in a lot of the pictures of other members tanks and I think it's pretty unsightly. I don't have any other algae on the rest of my tank. Can I stir is up with my forceps or will that release toxins? I don't have a phosphate meter but my nitrates are undetectable and I am running GFO through a HOB filter. I use RO/DI water only and do 15% water change weekly. Thanks.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I use an algae scraper (the one with the metal blade).. just go very slowly against the glass, and make sure you keep the sand away from the blade. Algae magnets don't do a great job on the bottom, as I'm sure you're aware.

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