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Experienced Reefer
highlands, nj
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ok, so im new to the marine world but ive tangled with stuff like this before. but i havent encountered this. i have a 20 gal. been established for almost 3 months now. everything was going fine, i added fish once a week. so on and so on. i had a flame angel, a firefish, and two black percula clowns. over the weekend the heat wave hit and my ice pack situation failed. guess it just wasnt enough while i was at work. and when i got home the tank was at 85! i did a water change and used some fans to cool off the tank. got the temp down in no time. on monday everyone was fine eating swimming and so on. tuesday i noticed tiny tiny white dots on the angel. she soon became listless and before i knew it it was too late. i looked closely at the firefish and noticed there was a few on him so i tried a hypo dip in a hospital tank. woke up this morning and he was dead. the clowns are totally fine tho. but i dont feel like this is over. could they be immune to ood? or are they just tougher than the other guys? they have no visible problems, (gils fines, etc. all fine) should i still QT them and run the tank at high temps to accelerate the parasite die off? or should i leave them in the tank and let the temp stay in the 80s and have everyone get cleaned? i have a coral banded shrimp in there and live rock so medicating the tank itself isnt so much of an option.


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You can try to add garlic extract to food to help boost the immune system of your fish or remove all of the fish to a hospital tank and treat with copper leaving your display fishless for 6-8 weeks.


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Copper will kill the shrimp. It will kill most of your inverts as well. That is why you remove the fish and treat them in a hospital tank and leave the display fallow for the time period suggested. I the display has no fish in it the ICH will have nothing to host and will die off. Copper in the hospital tank will kill the ICH that survive off of the fish. You must make sure the water in the hospital tank matches the water in the display for the transition. There ate several threads here on ICH and how to treat it. You should search for it and read those threads.


Experienced Reefer
highlands, nj
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thats not my question, im not trying to treat the shrimp. i know it wont affect him, but that doesnt mean he cant transmit it. i want to know if he can be a viable carrier. i have another tank that i can put the shrimp in, not a hospital or qt. i would like to put him in my other display tank so i dont have to feed an empty 20 gal.


Advanced Reefer
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They are not hosts to it. But it could be on them just like it could be on your net or anything else that was in that tank including coral. Since you want your tank to be fishless for at least 6 weeks for the ich to die that is where you should keep anything that came in contact with those fish unless you have some other way to clean them. The net can be rinsed in boiling water.

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