I am absolutely clueless about what you are talking about here...
API kits are fine for the more simplistic tests we run.
Running an ammonia test 4 days after starting a cycle is the correct thing to do, he should be tracking his cycle daily by running tests..even though the tank has live rock in it (it does die off to a certain extent due to the moving of the rock from one tank/store to another).
The potential for his to have a cycle is still there although it may be smaller than a cycle with rock that is less 'live'.
He should also start testing for Nitrites to see where they are at and as his ammonia peaks and starts to drop his nitrites will rise and then eventually fall of when his Nitrates start to rise.
Why do you fell he should have no knowledge of this - this IS the Nirtogen cycle he is looking for so he is sure his tank has cycled.
To the OP - yes, the water will & should get 'cloudy' as you add the chemicals (bottle 1 & bottle 2) that are in an API Ammonia test kit. I'm not sure why you would think they shouldn't? The colors you are to match them up to in order to see your numbers are need to come from somewhere

Do follow the directions to the letter, and do post and ask if you find anything you don't understand
..and they also get cloudy when you are testing FW as well

I know of no test kits that don't turn some color so that we can read the results..how else would you know them? lol