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I'm using a bac PAC skimming and I'm getting a lot of micro bubbles in the tank how can I stop the from going in the tank? Help me please it's a nEw tank and I need to stop the bubbles before ok can start to stock it up!


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take a pick of ur sump. that way we know what ur working with, ur prob going to have to retro fit, that helped me before i got my latest skimmer


Advanced Reefer
Westchester NY
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take a pick of ur sump. that way we know what ur working with, ur prob going to have to retro fit, that helped me before i got my latest skimmer

I'm bot sure hes got a sump dave... but do take a pic of the skimmer. i will assume its a hang on style??? If so, the only way to do it is to build or have a hang on baffel built from acrylic. you could try using filter material but I'm afrain that will only slow down the air bubbles but not eliminate them. as dave suggested you should place skimmer in a sump so you may want to consider geting one for your system. hope that helped.

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