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Okay my mind is set I will be doing a 30g saltwater setup,what equipment should I use??? For filter I have a aquaclear 110 and a aquaclear 50 witch one should I use???? It's going to be a fish only tank. Also will have live sand and live rock .....how much rock can I put with out over doing it ??? And will two clown fish be happy there ?????will I need a skimmer ??? Help :)

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Advanced Reefer
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Okay my mind is set I will be doing a 30g saltwater setup,what equipment should I use??? For filter I have a aquaclear 110 and a aquaclear 50 witch one should I use???? It's going to be a fish only tank. Also will have live sand and live rock .....how much rock can I put with out over doing it ??? And will two clown fish be happy there ?????will I need a skimmer ??? Help :)

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im new to reefing... but if fish and live rock is all u need im who u need =)... i have kept 2 fowlr (fish only with live rock ) tanks before... all 10 gallons.... ur 30 is perfect for a pair of clowns.. 3 chromis and a goby... thats about it... a yellow tang is kind of pushing it...and if u do a yellow tang thats all u can keep... i recommend 50 gals for yellow tangs... anyways if u can use both filters..... the more filteration the better... also if u end up using only one go with the 110.. im not sure about aquaclear but i have an aqueon filter and it is the best filter i have ever used.... as for live rock make sure u get around 1 pnd per gallon or a lil less... u could do like 15 pnds bad rock and 15 pnds live rock.... but keep in mind the live rock is ur best filteration.... once u cycle ur tank around 2 months the tank will basically run itself.. just keep up with water changes ans test and top offs... dont forget to buffer.. 30 gal is a good start... i started with a 10 gal cause i was cheap lol.... but i learned the hard way... anyways i just started a 10 gal reef nano... 25 pnds of live sand is good... remember ass rock first because u dont want any rocks to fall if u have any underground diggers like blennies.... im new to the corals but old to the fish.. lol.... might i suggest a maroon clown???? a pair. or a pair of clarkiis... im gettin clarkiis.. a fire goby is nice also... u dont need a skimmer.... u have no corals... although one would be a great help... i was gonna get a skimmer but my tank is so small that it would take out to much bacteria and it just isnt the same... im trying not to be lazy and just keeping up with weekly water changes... o and try not to get aggressive damseles like domino 2 stripped and yellow and blue tail... and blue... they fight so much!!! stick to clowns and chromis... chromis are the only kind of damsels i like... and they look stunning in my opinion.. heres a pic of my tank i am cycling.. it's 10 gals... im gonna be adding more live rock 146_2035.jpg



Barnum Island
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In a FOWLR tank you do not need a lot of rock...approx 1 pound per gal would be fine (perhaps a little less).
Ideally you would want to have a skimmer since in addition to removing DOC from the water they also add a good deal of the oxygen your tank will need. Are you adding any powerheads to the tank?
Since you will not have much rock to act as a biofilter, you will want to use the larger mechanical filter. Don't forget a heater.

Two clowns would be quite happy in there. A Tang (from the post above mine) would be an extremely poor idea in a tank this size.

Be sure to cycle the tank completely before you add any livestock.


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Sounds like a plan :) I'm more into shrimps,snails,crabs , but my wife said if she funding this project she wants "NEMO" so I been reading up on them ....I do have about 5 freshwater tanks, but this will be my first saltwater tank and I don't want the fish paying the price .

Hey how do I upload pics from my iPhone ??? I been trying but it doesn't seem to be working :-/

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