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This is difficult to explain because there are so many variables.
I recently completely renovated my tank.I kept all fish and corals in separate temporary set up.Temp system was a fully functional 100 g IND rubbermaid,2 250w MH.skimmer,etc.After 2 months sps corals started to bleach out and fast ,so I needed to get everything out and into new set up.This was sooner than I expected but had no choice.
New set up consists of 160lbs dry rock seeded from previous, 2 mp40 vortech for added flow,and 4 AquaIllumination led lights.Cycle was well on its way.
I placed everything in,all fish survived.
I know these lights can literally cook corals so I had them set very low.
Well 2 months later , just about all my sps's are gone and lps's aren't looking good either.
I tested water and don't know what to think of it.
Alk 12.2,Calc off chart 500+,Nitrate 5ppm,Phos.barely detectable.Cant find Mg kit to test.PH 8.2,temp 78
Also I supplement with limewater and calcium reactor.
Is Alk too high??


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I would say you definitely wanna try to lower calcium levels, which is a difficult thing to do kinda...It could also be from all the transport of the corals and stuff. I would definitely concentrate on Ca levels for now.


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if your alk is that high your calcium must be real real low.check the test kits either they are bad or your not doing it right.there is no way your ph would be 8.2 if alk was 12.2.your ph would be through the roof
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The level of ALk and Ca should not be having that drastic effect on your corals. It is a border line but not catastrophic.

Check nitrites or Ammonia and dobule check those test kits


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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alk being high doesnt mean ph is gonna be that high, my alk is 10 and ph 7.8 , turn cal reactor off and stop dosing kalk till levels are in check would also suggest doing a large wc to get levels down. google setting up cal reactor


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I'm pretty confident with test results.Calcium kit is new and tested alk with 2 different kits also compared with supplied standard.
If i turn off reactor,wont water go stagnant?I figured I'd slow it down to very slow drip.
Nevermind,I'll just kill power to soleniod.
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435 isnt 500+ and alk that high could quickly peel skin off sps

From own experience I had my alk at one point at 16 mdh at least for two weeks and my SPS did not died. Maybe a little stress but was not fatal at all.
Of course the levels I always try to maintin is within 9 - 12 range and they are thriving


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Well finally getting alk and calcium levels in check.Corals still not looking happy.
Also noticed that sandbed bed has several areas that are solidifying .
Is that normal?I'm assuming its because of elevated levels??


"H" Division
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What are you running your lights at? I had to Lower my AI's to W=25% B=30% & RB=35%, I'm in the process of increasing each by 5% a week because they were stressing the corals at initial higher settings.

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