I have my second 28 g nano. Running about 6 months now can't seem to clear up the water, it has little particles floating around. My other tank is crystal clear. Any advice on what I could do?
they sell water polishing pads or even socks to clear up any very fine debris and air bubbles. I thought my old tank was clear even with this but after i got a UV then it was clear it looked like there was no water in the tank at all
I was going to suggest using some filter floss in the first chamber water enters to catch any debris. When I had an all-in-one I would buy I think it was called polyfil from the sewing/cloth section of Walmart.
i was going to suggest using some filter floss in the first chamber water enters to catch any debris. When i had an all-in-one i would buy i think it was called polyfil from the sewing/cloth section of walmart.