1. blue cap--about 4-5" wide----$30
2. green insignis--lg--$10
3.colonie of purple tip granulosa w/ white polyps
( this coral need a low light,mine was too bright--400w)---$30
4.montipora stellata - purple w/ green polyps--$10
5. yellow tort/austera--1-1"----$25
all this corals been kept in low nutrient system
2. green insignis--lg--$10
3.colonie of purple tip granulosa w/ white polyps
( this coral need a low light,mine was too bright--400w)---$30
4.montipora stellata - purple w/ green polyps--$10
5. yellow tort/austera--1-1"----$25
all this corals been kept in low nutrient system