Pretty big colony of electric green hydro. Asking $15
Small colony of Green Monti Digita. It is in a low light area now, but when it was in a high light area, it was olive green with pink tips. Asking $10
Small colony of green button polyps on a rock. There is also another type of polyp on this rock. Asking $5
[ March 29, 2004, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Rebels23 ]

Small colony of Green Monti Digita. It is in a low light area now, but when it was in a high light area, it was olive green with pink tips. Asking $10

Small colony of green button polyps on a rock. There is also another type of polyp on this rock. Asking $5

[ March 29, 2004, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Rebels23 ]