I want to order form this guy on RC. Does anyone want to share shipping? LMK I want to order by tomorrow night...
Frag list:
1. Tyree LE Purple Monster (from Casey aka 'Vertical' on RC): $135 (3/4" ~ 1"). Got it from Vertical (Casey), who got it from SawCJack00 (Bill Bramucci), who got it from Leonard.
purple monster
2. the original Oregon blue tort (from ReefStuff at Oregon): $70 (3/4? ~ 1").
oregon blue tort colony
3. California/ORA tort (ExoticReef): $35 (1? ~1.5?)
ORA tort
4. Tyree LE True Soli (Schweb): $50 (1")
5. blue millipora (Reef Stuff): $30 (1")
Blue mille
6. blue pulchra (Patrick Monaghan aka spsfrags): $25 (1")
blue pulchra
7. teal Monaghan stag (Patrick Monaghan): $30 (1.5")
blue/teal stag
8. blue Salego (Patrick Monaghan): $25 (1? ~ 1.5")
blue salego
9. neon green cap (Sue Truett): $20 (1.5" x 1.5")
neon green cap
10. brown w/ purple polyps cap (Sue Truett): $15 (1.5" x 1")
brown w/ purple polyps cap
11. solid purple cap (Reef Stuff): $20 (1.5" x 1")
solid purple cap
12. Purple tort: $30 (1.5")
purple tort
13. bright blue stag (John Moffett aka Lonestar Corals): $30 (1.5")
bright blue tip stag
14. orange w/ purple tip millipora (Upscales): $30 (1.5")
orange w/ purple tip mille
15. Rainbow monti (homey the reefkeeper): $90 (0.5?x 0.5?)
rainbow monti
16. Superman Danae (Jason aka "aznDragonX"): $80 (0.5" x 0.5?)
superman danae
17. true Leng Sy cap (Jason aka "aznDragonX"): $75 (3/4?x 0.5)
true Leng Sy
Here is a pic of Jasons Leng Sy at ExoticReefs. Nice!
true Leng Sy from Jason
18. morning star monti (purple + bright green) (Jason aka "aznDragonX"): $80 (3/4?x 1/2")
morning star
19. Tyree LE Purple Unknown (from Steve Tyree): $75 (3/4"~ 1")
Tyree LE Purple Unknown
Pic of purple unknown from Tyree's site:
purple unknown from Tyree
20. Tyree LE Bali Tricolor (from Steve Tyree): $80 (3/4?~ 1")
Tyree LE Bali Tricolor
Pic of Bali tricolor from Tyree's site:
bali tricolor from Tyree
21. Botwin Yellow Tort (Roland aka ?old Yeller Tang?, who got it from Dave B. aka o2manyfish): $50 (3/4")
Botwin Yellow Tort
The picture doesn?t do it justice. Here is the picture of the colony from Old Yeller Tang, who called it "yellow tort with multicolored polyps". Very nice piece!
Roland's Yellow Tort
22. pink jade (received from old Yeller Tang as Stoddarti): $60 (3/4")
pink jade
23. steve Weast efflo (Roland aka ?old Yeller Tang?): $60 (1")
I only have this 1 frag:
efflo frag
Here is the pic from Old yeller tang
efflo from Old Yeller Tang
24. butauni (Old Yeller Tang): $40 (3/4")
Here is the pic of the original colony from Old Yeller Tang (blue Butauni):
Blue Butauni from Old Yeller Tang
25. blue hydno: $60 (1"x 1"). This is the exact frag you get
blue hydno
Below is the original amazing colony! Don't know the owner though?
plating blue hydno
26. Tyree LE Cyphastrea Decadia (directly from Steve Tyree): $80 (2?mini colony)
This is the exact piece you'll get. Nice brick orange w/ blue hue!
Tyree Cyphastrea Decadia
To see its slow growth over 8 months, here is old pic taken a while back:
Tyree Cyphastrea Decadia 2
27. multi-color acro: $40 (3/4")
Very nice piece, with mixed white and green polyps at the tip.
multi-color acro
28. Red mille with purple tip: $35 (1")
red mille with purple tip
29. Tyree LE Dessert Plate (Oxypora lacera) (from Steve Tyree): $70 (1" x 3/4")
The Dessert Plate is under the rainbow monti in the pic below:
Tyree LE Dessert Plate
Pic of Tyree's colony:
Tyree LE Dessert Plate Colony
30. Ecoral LE Unknown (Ecorals): $50 (1")
Very unique colors!
Ecoral LE Unknown
31. purple lord frag (from Chideloh): $120 (2 full polyps +2 babies, sorry no cut)
Nice grower.
purple lord frag
It has morphed to purple/red/green, and looks very nice. Here is the pic of chideloh's original colony
chideloh's purple lord colony
32. red acan lord frag (from Chideloh): $160 (2 full polyps +5 babies, sorry no cut)
Great grower!
red lord frag
Pic of the chideloh's original red lord colony:
chideloh's red lord colony
33. red micromussa (Chideloh): $190 (10 polyps, sorry no cut)
micromussa frag
Pic of Chideloh's original colony:
chideloh's micromussa colony
34. green gold acan lord (Chris aka ?mane? on RC): $75 (1 polyp)
green gold frag
Pic of Mane's original colony;
green gold colony
35. red acan lord (randyO) (this is the exact piece you'll get): $280 (10 full polyps + 5 babies)
randyO acan lord
36. green mouth purple/red micromussa (Chris aka ?mane? on RC): $70 (1 polyp)
mane green mouth purple/red micro
Frag list:
1. Tyree LE Purple Monster (from Casey aka 'Vertical' on RC): $135 (3/4" ~ 1"). Got it from Vertical (Casey), who got it from SawCJack00 (Bill Bramucci), who got it from Leonard.
purple monster
2. the original Oregon blue tort (from ReefStuff at Oregon): $70 (3/4? ~ 1").
oregon blue tort colony
3. California/ORA tort (ExoticReef): $35 (1? ~1.5?)
ORA tort
4. Tyree LE True Soli (Schweb): $50 (1")
5. blue millipora (Reef Stuff): $30 (1")
Blue mille
6. blue pulchra (Patrick Monaghan aka spsfrags): $25 (1")
blue pulchra
7. teal Monaghan stag (Patrick Monaghan): $30 (1.5")
blue/teal stag
8. blue Salego (Patrick Monaghan): $25 (1? ~ 1.5")
blue salego
9. neon green cap (Sue Truett): $20 (1.5" x 1.5")
neon green cap
10. brown w/ purple polyps cap (Sue Truett): $15 (1.5" x 1")
brown w/ purple polyps cap
11. solid purple cap (Reef Stuff): $20 (1.5" x 1")
solid purple cap
12. Purple tort: $30 (1.5")
purple tort
13. bright blue stag (John Moffett aka Lonestar Corals): $30 (1.5")
bright blue tip stag
14. orange w/ purple tip millipora (Upscales): $30 (1.5")
orange w/ purple tip mille
15. Rainbow monti (homey the reefkeeper): $90 (0.5?x 0.5?)
rainbow monti
16. Superman Danae (Jason aka "aznDragonX"): $80 (0.5" x 0.5?)
superman danae
17. true Leng Sy cap (Jason aka "aznDragonX"): $75 (3/4?x 0.5)
true Leng Sy
Here is a pic of Jasons Leng Sy at ExoticReefs. Nice!
true Leng Sy from Jason
18. morning star monti (purple + bright green) (Jason aka "aznDragonX"): $80 (3/4?x 1/2")
morning star
19. Tyree LE Purple Unknown (from Steve Tyree): $75 (3/4"~ 1")
Tyree LE Purple Unknown
Pic of purple unknown from Tyree's site:
purple unknown from Tyree
20. Tyree LE Bali Tricolor (from Steve Tyree): $80 (3/4?~ 1")
Tyree LE Bali Tricolor
Pic of Bali tricolor from Tyree's site:
bali tricolor from Tyree
21. Botwin Yellow Tort (Roland aka ?old Yeller Tang?, who got it from Dave B. aka o2manyfish): $50 (3/4")
Botwin Yellow Tort
The picture doesn?t do it justice. Here is the picture of the colony from Old Yeller Tang, who called it "yellow tort with multicolored polyps". Very nice piece!
Roland's Yellow Tort
22. pink jade (received from old Yeller Tang as Stoddarti): $60 (3/4")
pink jade
23. steve Weast efflo (Roland aka ?old Yeller Tang?): $60 (1")
I only have this 1 frag:
efflo frag
Here is the pic from Old yeller tang
efflo from Old Yeller Tang
24. butauni (Old Yeller Tang): $40 (3/4")
Here is the pic of the original colony from Old Yeller Tang (blue Butauni):
Blue Butauni from Old Yeller Tang
25. blue hydno: $60 (1"x 1"). This is the exact frag you get
blue hydno
Below is the original amazing colony! Don't know the owner though?
plating blue hydno
26. Tyree LE Cyphastrea Decadia (directly from Steve Tyree): $80 (2?mini colony)
This is the exact piece you'll get. Nice brick orange w/ blue hue!
Tyree Cyphastrea Decadia
To see its slow growth over 8 months, here is old pic taken a while back:
Tyree Cyphastrea Decadia 2
27. multi-color acro: $40 (3/4")
Very nice piece, with mixed white and green polyps at the tip.
multi-color acro
28. Red mille with purple tip: $35 (1")
red mille with purple tip
29. Tyree LE Dessert Plate (Oxypora lacera) (from Steve Tyree): $70 (1" x 3/4")
The Dessert Plate is under the rainbow monti in the pic below:
Tyree LE Dessert Plate
Pic of Tyree's colony:
Tyree LE Dessert Plate Colony
30. Ecoral LE Unknown (Ecorals): $50 (1")
Very unique colors!
Ecoral LE Unknown
31. purple lord frag (from Chideloh): $120 (2 full polyps +2 babies, sorry no cut)
Nice grower.
purple lord frag
It has morphed to purple/red/green, and looks very nice. Here is the pic of chideloh's original colony
chideloh's purple lord colony
32. red acan lord frag (from Chideloh): $160 (2 full polyps +5 babies, sorry no cut)
Great grower!
red lord frag
Pic of the chideloh's original red lord colony:
chideloh's red lord colony
33. red micromussa (Chideloh): $190 (10 polyps, sorry no cut)
micromussa frag
Pic of Chideloh's original colony:
chideloh's micromussa colony
34. green gold acan lord (Chris aka ?mane? on RC): $75 (1 polyp)
green gold frag
Pic of Mane's original colony;
green gold colony
35. red acan lord (randyO) (this is the exact piece you'll get): $280 (10 full polyps + 5 babies)
randyO acan lord
36. green mouth purple/red micromussa (Chris aka ?mane? on RC): $70 (1 polyp)
mane green mouth purple/red micro