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  1. zoas close up and melt. help plz!

    hi all members! new to this hobby, start my reef tank from last year, been killing tons of sps and acros, but all high end zoas that i have invested were doing perfect till last week?. realized some of zoa and palythoa close up and changing color to bright pink, when they melt, there are more...
  2. Coral Multiple Frags Sale or Trade Chinatown SPS?LPS/Torches

    i will take one if walt Disney is 0.75" or bigger. frag pic plz. 9014100385 thanks!
  3. Cornbread dragon soul torch

    wow, that's very beautiful!
  4. Coral Rasta colony for sale

    John, I need this colony! I can PayPal you right now if it's still available. texted
  5. Coral Beginner corals pack(20 frags for $100)

    thank you John, I realy appreciate your help today!
  6. Coral Beginner corals pack(20 frags for $100)

    text you, need at least a pack!
  7. what is the PH safe range when dosing alk

    itis a new 75 setup, only rock and few clownfish in my tank for now, reverse lighting in refugium, realized ph swings widely from day and night as 8.25 at noontime and 7.85 at midnight. when I dosing alk on midnight, the ph jump from 7.85 to 8.45, is it bad for my clownfish and future corals...
  8. looking for some pack of beginner corals to start

    new tank 75 gallon just finish cycle, need some affordable easy corals to fill the tank. lmk if any one has any good package deal on these drags. thanks in advance!
  9. Equipment BM skimmer for S/T

    hi,I just set up my 75 gallon reef, my question is if this skimmer are too big for my system ? thanks!
