They likely will not bother any non-moving inverts by tasting/ eating. They will usually (not always) eat your shrimp & crabs though, unless you get a very large hermit crab. Your problem may be of the indirect kind with them -- your tank will need to be big enough so that the lion's fins don't...
Don't buy a Berlin. Very disappointing. I can't believe how poorly it skims my FOWLR with a heavy bioload. If I get a cup of skimmate A WEEK I am lucky. I just bought a Euro-Reef and am about to put it in. It was pricey but I have heard great reviews of them from several sources.
As a hobbyist my main concern is getting fish that are parasite-free and as unstressed as possible. My suggestion is to run lfs tanks at approx. 1.015 salinity and with copper. Running them at 1.009 could cause problems for newer hobbyists who don't acclimate fish slowly enough upon...
Thank you for the ideas --you guys are great. I didn't think of drilling small holes in the overflow box walls. I suppose you keep drilling/watching until the proper level is set. Hmmm I may try that as part of my solution instead of messing with the teeth themselves. I WAS aware of the...
Anyone with experience on this?? Thanks for your help. I have a 180g with a corner overflow. Two 1" lines inside the overflow -- high on its back wall --feed my sump. The upper of these two 1" lines is 2/3 full as it pours, so I think that MAYBE more flow rate to the sump is possible - not sure...
I agree with vitz completely. Your mechanical filters must be trapping nitrogen causing compounds--remove them. Let your skimmer (or better yet a better skimmer --EuroReef or Aqua C) get rid of it. A refugium is supposed to help as well. You have enough live rock for biological filtration.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I checked out the article -- a good one. Keep your thoughts coming --you are giving me some good starting parameters to work with. Much appreciated!
Mike Milz, thank you for your reply. I read the thread --my God, it was as if you had strapped metal to your chest and walked out into a wet field during a lightning storm! I didn't realize the venom that is out there...Great pics too!
For what it is worth, I greatly appreciate your experiment...
Thanks for the replies. Max, can you just repeat again your thoughts? Do the puffer and trigger bother or not bother the hermit? I think you left out a word in your sentence.
I have a 180g with a 9" puffer and 7"clown trigger. I want to liven up the look of the tank. Has anyone had any luck keeping inverts with these fish? I mean anything, from hermits to corals to cukes to snails to anemones to stars, etc. etc. etc. Your experiences are appreciated. The "experts"...
I have a 28" snowflake. Great fish!!! Hasn't ever bothered another fish. Really attractive at this size. I know a lot of people like the allure of the larger 4-5' fish-eating eels -- I do too-- but believe me this guy is big enough for my 180g if you are planning on other livestock with it...
I forgot to add...make sure the tang is substantially larger than the grouper. Sexlineatus groupers (I know from a lot of experience) have the biggest mouths of any groupers, ranking up there with frogfish and big lionfish. They will attempt to eat anything their length or smaller. You won't...
Skip the clown trigger/ tusk combo. My clown trigger killed a larger tusk. Tusks are not tough enough to compete with a nasty trigger. A good combo for a 75 for me was a snowflake moray and a sexlineatus (six-line or golden-stripe) grouper. The snowflake got along with everything, and the...