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Search results

  1. My new 450 Gallon Reef / Refugium Seahorse Display

    Hello All, I just thought Id post information on my new Aquarium build Its 10 feet long 2ft X 2ft, Reef with a seahorse Refugium Display and a 150 gallon sump both on heavy metal stands Its a 450 Gallon system Unfortunately it wont let me upload any pictures. Oh well.
  2. Las Vegas Marine & Reef Aquarium Society Meeting on 02-1

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meeting on 02-11-03 @ Green Valley Aquarium ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Group, A sad weekend or "bad day" for the Shuttle Columbia. :( 1) Just reminder: This months LVMAS meeting will be held NEXT Tuesday (02/11/03...
  3. Las Vegas Reefers!

    Hi! The LVRC meeting dates, times and locations are listed in the LVMAS.ORG Calendar
  4. Cool tanks in Vegas?????????????

    Las Vegas Marine & Reef Aquarium Society Every aquarium (LFS & Otherwise) are listed below: Las Vegas Marine Aquarium Stores & Other sites to see
  5. Society/club info needed

    Las Vegas Marine & Reef Aquarium Society
  6. Las Vegas Marine & Reef Aquarium Society (LVMAS.ORG)

    Hello Everyone, Las Vegas Marine & Reef Aquarium Society (LVMAS.ORG) Is calling local hobbyists. I just thought I would post a LVMAS website basic Index Map. (Not all are listed below). But wanted to help get you started. LAS VEGAS MARINE & REEF AQUARIUM SOCIETY SEND BLANK EMAIL TO JOIN THE...
