He was eating the mysis like it was going out of style. Then he just stoped eating today and he hiding. Could it be calc additive.
I will try seaweed also. He a great looking fish too. I'm sick about it. He was eating real well yesterday. I just tryed spirilina and no luck.
I got him about 2 weeks ago and I was feeding him Mysis shrimp and he was eating great. Yesterday I added for the first time liquid Calc dosing and today he's not eating.
Is it the calc dosing ? Could he be sick? Is the Mysis shrimp every day too much?
Roughly 36"longx12"deepx24"high. In looking at the situation..It looks like I need approx. 150 lbs of rock totaling $800.00 + for the display tank alone...WOW.
I have a grouper, red and white snapper, squirrel fish, faser angel, yellow tang, powder brown tang, and 2 other larger angles. If I get rid of my bio balls, what will get rid of the amonia..should I wait until I get the live rock ??
I don't have any real rock in the tank, just the plastic fake ones. Water param. are Sg is 1.017 ( I need to raise to 1.024). Temp is 77deg. and I haven't tested the nitrates or phosp. lately
Just added some photos in my Gallery
I currently have a FO tank with alot of expensive fake reef rocks (that I would like to keep) lining the whole rear wall of my 150 gal tank (60"wx30"tallx18"deep). I would like to go full reef seeing I have all the equipment already in place knowing I would eventually do this.
My equip is as...