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  1. Slime algae??

    I believe this is red slime it comes off easily and seems to be growing at a rapid rate , my emerald seems to pick at it but not enough to rid it and its starting to worry me I need help plz. I have it in a lusty bright red and a dark royal purple both color slime on different rocks any advice...
  2. WTB BTA , location NJ

    I have a 20 long... What would you consider to be medium sized
  3. WTB BTA , location NJ

    I have a 20 long what would you consider medium size?
  4. WTB BTA , location NJ

    Where r u located
  5. WTB BTA , location NJ

    Black base? Have never seen picture?
  6. WTB BTA , location NJ

    Flaw abandon?
  7. WTB BTA , location NJ

    Looking for small-med sized bta for nano. My clowns are going crazy looking for my malu sebae which I could not care for. They seem to be carrying food around in search for a host to feed its a Sad sight . Thanks in advance
  8. Strange behavior?

    Great! So I guess that's good news
  9. Strange behavior?

    Yea that I have seen often but never does it have food when she does it. My anemone is giving me nothing but problems lately... I found it sucked in the filter the other day!! It can't find a spot it likes
  10. Strange behavior?

    Oh sorry should have specified , false percula
  11. Strange behavior?

    Haha ok thanks that's all I needed to know
  12. Strange behavior?

    No one has seen this huh
  13. Strange behavior?

  14. Strange behavior?

    I have two clowns which one host an purple green sebae anemone. He hangs out in it from time to time but he sometimes dives at the mouth area and wiggles around as if he's diggin for something? Can anyone explain this behavior?! I also caught him, what looked to be , biting at one of The...
  15. Bad algae or good?! It's showing up!

    It doesn't seem to fray up but while I read i seem to think it can be turf but I'm noticing an increase, not much but it's def there. I just don't want it to overtake my tank. I was making a big mistake and using tap water for my changes with prime and cycle support n that's why I think offset...
  16. Bad algae or good?! It's showing up!

    Great thanks a bunch
  17. Bad algae or good?! It's showing up!

    It def does not come off with ease if I could post a video I would lol
  18. FS Deep Blue 24" 4 bulb t5ho

    Can you turn off bulbs individually? I was actually omw to grab another fixture
  19. FS Deep Blue 24" 4 bulb t5ho

    How old are the bulbs
  20. FS Marineland stand 30x18x29

    Hour n half from me
