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Search results

  1. F/S 29g nanocube. Tons of extras! East Quogue, ny

    Hello everyone! For sale is a 29g nanocube. Comes with live sand, 10-15lbs live rock, uv sterilizer, nano protein skimmer, 2 hydor nano circ power head, heater, 3 different types of food, 2 api test kits and a boatload of other chemicals and knick knacks. Asking $250 for all of it. I gave my...
  2. Wtb: Nano skimmer

    Anyone have any experience with nano skimmers that fit in the rear compartments of JBJ nanocubes? I have a 12g and have not had much success... any suggestions?
  3. New setup question about worms!

    So today is the 4th day I've had my new tank up and running... Climbing the side of my tank was a 1cm opaque worm. He was very tiny almost a little bigger than a thread. The tank contains 1" sand bed and 11lbs of LR in my nanocube. I can not add fish yet so what do I do?
  4. Reefs App and pictures!

    Whats with the reefs app spinning pictures when you post? I noticed this with my posts. anyone know why? -Danny
  5. What to do with the chambers in my nanocube?

    I just purchased a used 10g JBJ Nanocube and am curious what people have done with their rear chambers in their cubes? I was thinking of maybe a protein skimmer, or an extremely scaled down refugium? I want to go reef! what have you done and/ or recommend? Thanks, -Danny
  6. My New 8g cube... and where to start?!?!?

    So here I go, starting off a new tank and I don't know where to start! Never thought that 8 gallons and 2 years removed from the hobby could drive such a question. I want to do a reef tank... So what have you done to be successful? Any tips and suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks...
  7. WTB: Nano tank 14g or less

    I sold my last set up a few years ago and I miss it dearly. I want to go small... LF for a small nano tank 14g or less. Out on the south fork of Long Island.
  8. 24g jbj nanocube

    Hey MR! I'm moving and have to move my nanocube quick! Can not bring it where I am going. There is so much that goes with it that there's too much to list. Aquacube nano skimmer, hood with pc lights, stand, all the chemicals I have, a few buckets, maroon clown, orange peel, pseudo, cleaner...
  9. Awesome valentines day gift!

    Sooooo... I brought my girlfriend to the LFS near our apartment. Usually itching to leave the place but when I she saw this torch hanging out on the side of the tank and my interest, she knew I had to have it... Now might be the perfect time for you all to snag that special coral or fish you've...
  10. 92g corner for sale

    92g corner tank for sale. Comes drilled with wet/dry pro clear aquatic sump, all glass hood, pump, tubing to connect, and diy stand. Currently draining and cleaning it. Asking $500.
  11. WTB or DIY - JBJ LED Conversion for hood!

    Hey everyone... After getting my JBJ Nano cube 24g, I've become interested in taking the lighting to the next level with LED lighting. The upgraded hoods are nice but am willing to learn and buy parts if someone knows how to DIY this stuff. Any help would be great! Thanks!
  12. My 24g Nanocube... first tank thread!

    So.. after my 92g tank had to be broken down due to a move, I decided to start out smaller. I purchased a 24g jbj nancube with 2 pc 50/50 lights and stand from a member here on MR. I removed a lot of his old sand so there is about a half inch layer on the floor. I have about 35 lbs of live...
  13. Looking for Nano Parts

    Hey everyone... I just bought a 28g nano from someone on MR and I am looking for some parts. Anyone know where I can get them? Looking for: Skimmer sump or fuge (its a small stand so I dunno what to do) Hood Hinge New Bulbs. If you have any of these items, please pm me or respond to this...
  14. WTB nanocube

    Looking for a nanocube tank to bring to new apartment. If you have one, I'll be interested... email me at danager2000@aol.com.Thanks!
  15. 92g Corner tank for Sale

    Hey all, I have to sell my 92g corner setup... I don't have specific model numbers on everything but here goes. -92g Corner Glass drilled tank with overflow. Includes all glass top and home made stand and what i believe is a clear aquatics 30 - 45g wet/dry dump. -Inside the tank: 40lbs of...
  16. Water Testing

    Hey everyone... So after reading some threads I got inspired and was watching the fish gently rest inside the tank when I thought... How good is my water? So I went searching and could not find a one stop shop on everything water testing. At first, I had no clue as to what I was doing...
  17. WTB Large Hearty Anemones

    Hey all, Anyone have any large anemones they're looking to get rid of? I'm interested! -Dan
  18. Anyone have a 29g or 20g tank sitting around?

    If anyone has a 29g or 20g high tank sitting around.... I am interested... I want to build a new sump for my 92g corner.... thanks!
  19. My clowns don't like my anemone!

    So i introduced a buble tip anemone into my tank and my clowns arent going for it. I have a sebae and an ocellaris.... anyone got any info on that? I've moved it once in order to try to get them to go for it with no luck!
  20. Huge Carpet Anenome FS at Aquarium Adventure

    I was at aquarium adventure today and saw this huge beautiful carpet anenome... $75 for their fish club members $100 for non (its real cheap $6 for a year or $25 for a lifetime). I should have taken a picture... it was really nice!
