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  1. FT: Kalk Stirrer

    Haha same here, just getting back as well after 2 year break.
  2. FT: Kalk Stirrer

    Wow good to see fellow OG reefer still here :D Good luck with sale!
  3. For Sale 6” Leng Sy cap colony

    Accidentally broke this in half so offering if anyone interested, lmk.
  4. For Sale Fiji Yellow Leather frags

    They are loose and not attached. They get real bright yellow under high light and flow. ALL SOLD, thanks! Picture is of mother colony for reference. Pick up at Advance Marine Aquatics.
  5. For Sale Yellow Fox Face and Longnose Hawkfish

    Recently got these two from local reefer but unfortunately my current tank makes are not being nice. Asking $80 or best offer. SOLD thanks ! Pickup at Advance Marine Aquatics.
  6. For Sale 4.5" Gem Tang

    Looking to sell this 2 year old healthy Gem Tang, was told it is a bar code variant. Asking $300 (SOLD, mods please close thread)
  7. For Sale 12” Silver Arowana

    Selling for friend asking $70 obo. SOLD
  8. For Sale 40 gallon long sump 48x13x16

    Two available, one has glass baffles. Asking $50 each.
  9. For Sale Tangs and Idol

    thanks for all the inquiries, they are sold.
  10. For Sale Tangs and Idol

    About 3-4”
  11. For Sale Tangs and Idol

    looking to sell all or none, thanks.
  12. For Sale Tangs and Idol

    Nope 😁
  13. For Sale Tangs and Idol

    Bought these from local reefer but decided not to stay in the hobby. Powder blue tang, Moorish idol and Hippo tang all three get along well. Looking to get back what i paid $200, pick up near Advance Marine Aquatics 11040. ALL SOLD
  14. For Sale 40 gallon long 48x13x16 $60

    Yes 11040.
  15. For Sale 6ft long Marineland Monterey Black Oak Stand for 180/220 gallon tank

    No longer need in good condition asking $600 or best offer. Pick up 11040.
  16. For Sale 72" Current Marine LED fixture

    No longer needed, asking $80 or best offer. Pick up 11040.
  17. For Sale 125 gallon tank with eclipse overflow box

    No longer need, asking $400 or best offer. 40 gallon long sump with 3 baffles asking $60 or best offer. Pick up 11040.
  18. For Sale 125 gallon reef tank, sump and stand $500

    Update, tank only forsale. 125 gallon tank 72x18x23 with eclipse overflow box. Asking $350. Pick up 11040.
  19. For Sale Established Live Rock from Fish Only

    Let me know if anyone is interested before i put these in dry storage, about 50-60 lbs? Fish are all gone only rock forsale. Asking $120 for all, pick up 11040.
