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Search results

  1. Scoly and more

    Sold pls close
  2. Scoly and more

    Bump also got a pink zipper frag 15 and a black and white clown 15
  3. Scoly and more

    Scoly and 1 rbta is gone smaller rbta still available
  4. Scoly and more

    One rbta pending.... Smaller one still available
  5. Scoly and more

    scoly 80$ sold Plate 25$ Rbta 35$ sold and 25 for the smaller one Pm me thanks
  6. Coral

  7. Coral

  8. Coral

    Selling my scoly for 80$ and plate coral for 25
  9. 150g full setup for sale

  10. 150g full setup for sale

    happy mothers day bump
  11. 150g full setup for sale

    all pms replied
  12. 150g full setup for sale

    i have to get out of the hobby for a while something came up and will not allow me to keep my aquarium i have a full setup with fish rock and all extra equipment i have for it for $1100 obo it will come with skimmer sump brand new tunze autotop off unopened 2 150w heaters a little over 200...
  13. catching fish

    hey guys is there a good way to catch fish without destroying your rock work? like a trap or something? i need to know before i move all my rocks around and mess up my setup thanks
  14. need cheato

    hello does any1 have any cheato or other algae that works well in a fuge that they can part with so i can start one up? thanks
  15. Assorted frags $5 - $10

    pm sent
