After acclimation it mostly buried itself in the sand immediately. It hasn't moved for 24 hours except to grab sift through some sand in front of it. It's about 4 inches wide from elbow to elbow. Its pincers have been folded most of the time. Maybe 7.5 inches wide if extended?
Anyway, I...
I'm not actually sure which lights I'm using. I found them on taobao and had a Chinese reefkeeper help me translate. I'll ask him the name and model numbers. So far, so good. I've found that my water is pristine and don't actually need to change it even biweekly. The corals...
Also of note, tank one has a traditional thermometer sized heater. Tank two (red light) has a disc. I think I prefer the disc because it doesn't interfere with scaping the way the long tube does. One's opinion of the pics may confirm this.
Thank you for your interest! We are on week three and all are doing well. The clown is in there because I didn't have another hospital tank. We will see how it goes. I put a three sexy shrimp in tank one. Tank one already had ghost shrimp because my purple in tank two (unseen in pics) ate...
So, I started two reef bowls. Both are one gallon. I wanted to be able to experiment with a baseline (I know it's a soft baseline).
Here are some pics. These are two weeks in. I'm excited to witness the changes in the tank.