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Search results

  1. Las Vegas Reefers!

  2. Berghia seaslugs vs. aiptasia

    Ok. I just tried to order one and it appears that they don't take your credit card number over their website. They accept payment thru PayPal or you can send them a money order or check. So maybe that's why they don't take orders over the phone. Well the total with overnight shipping($19)...
  3. Berghia seaslugs vs. aiptasia

    try this link: http://www.seaslug-vs-aiptasia.ebz.com/US/ I don't see why they couldn't take your order over the phone. Have you tried calling them to place an order? Or did you send them an email to ask? Usually ordering over the phone is more secure than using the internet. Just call...
  4. Las Vegas Reefers!

  5. Las Vegas Reefers!

  6. Las Vegas Reefers!

    Hi everyone. Anyone interested in coming to the next meeting, it will take place on Tuesday September 4, at 8 p.m. at the Borders bookstore on the corner of Stephanie and Sunset Blvd. right across the street from the Sunset Station Casino. We usually have one of the tables reserved in the back...
