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Experienced Reefer
Bronx NY
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Hey everyone,
I purchased a $15 duncan and brown polyp frag from Manhattan Aquarium yesterday. According to the guy they didn't need to be acclimated, so I came home and placed them in the nano cube 12 (did some research and found that they should be acclimated). They were pretty upset with the train ride, but after several hours you were able to see the duncan's tentacles slightly, they arent extended at all but you can see them... It's still in the same state this morning, so I was just wondering how long should it take until they get comfortable enough to open back up? These are my fisrt corals so bare with the noobie questions lol'.


Og Drogon

Freshwater monster
Apopka, Florida
Rating - 94.1%
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Well when I got my Duncan coral it took almost two days to open, I taught something went wrong, but it opened fully. Not saying its normal but jus my experience with them.

If your water peramiters are good, check make sure it's not to much flow on it......

Fix Your Fin Or Get Your Fin Fixed!
Ridgewood, NY
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Hi there my duncans opened up after a half hour or so, but also it was a short car ride home. Check your parameters and just wait a bit. Where did you place them in your tank? Mine are sitting almost at the bottom. Also, they are not getting too much flow from my Vortech pumps. On nutrient export mode.


Experienced Reefer
Bronx NY
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thanks guys. I'll check my water again today when I go into work (PetLand). I placed the duncan on the lower 25% of my tank on the side of a rock. Theres a nice flow going, and good lighting. The brown polyp on the other hand is placed somewhat high on a rock, maybe its too close to the lighting?? I just want a good place for them as I've heard they tend to take over rocks rather quickly.

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