Hmmm this can be interesting. My opinion even though i never tried is the easier sps would live but im guessing very slow growth. I wouldnt try it with the higher end sps. Jmo
changing 20 gal's a week seems like a lot for a 50.
Noel 2 little fishies has an A/B part for dosing. It comes with a graduated measuring cap. You only need to dose a few portions a week. Its not exact like using a pump but can aid in calc./alk. levels
20 gallons a week thats alot figure with all the rock and guessing you have a sump which im guessing is 20 gallons you probably have 50 total gallons of actual water. changing 1/3 total water volume in your tank.
Dosing is a must with sps tank . As sps grows the alk and cal demand increases so doing weekly water changes is not going to help at all . Weekly water changes are only for keeping the ionic balance in your aquarium , Thats the real purpose of a water change .
You guys are right 20 gal is probly alot. However i dont dose, so i make up for it with larger water changes thus replacing any alk and cal, along with any other elements. I am fighting cyano, so thats another reason for the large changes. I dont really test so the larger changes keep everything even keel. I guess i shoudnt tell you guys i did a 10gal water change on a 24 gal nano. However im fighting hair algae in there so im trying to reduce phosphates. Thinking about dosing peroxide in that tank but maybe at 3/4 of the recommended dose of 1ml per 10 gal.
Hey budddman. You might want to test the fresh water u r adding for phosphates and nitrates. U might be adding fuel to the fire in regards to your cyano and hair algae prob.
Hey Bro you should still check your fresh RO water. The Tds meter is a good reference for our filters when we should replace our cartridges. But they only measure solids like salts and minerals not really organic solids like phosphates and nitrates. Which our water have high concentrations of some higher than others depending where u live.
Sorry for jacking the thread.
I didnt know that. Thank you. I did just buy a hanna phosphate checker, and have used it only once, but i dont think i used it correctly. My results were .07 phosphate each tank.