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Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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Everyday it seems a new vendor is labeling a new name of SPS. Just because color is a little different and using tricks with the lights. I wish we start calling a SPS by its true name. How many different Acropora, millepora, montipore, seratopora, ect...are we going to name.


renegade reefer
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these same thing with zoas i was on a mission to collect a 100 different names but after getting the same zoas with different names i kinda kill the mood i blames some of this on leds along with greed that outside been a hobbiest


Advanced Reefer
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Listen the made up names are perfect for a dumb Ironworker like myself LOL. I dont like the fact that it drives prices up but when someone says Joe the coral or red planet I automatically visualize that coral in my head. It was a great idea till vendors figured out cool names equal big loot. For the life of me I can not remember the scientific names no matter how many times I see it in writing with a picture of the coral next to it :)


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Everyone always complains about this..you can cry all you want but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to identify coral and know what they are without even seeing a picture like Duke said you can visualize in your head because you already know what it is. If someone says purple hornet or eagle eyes you know right away what they are talking about. It's like saying people shouldn't have names we should just be called homosapiens..Hey you know this guy? He's tall, has brown hair and brown eyes. Well that could be anyone but if you say do you know Bob Jones someone might know who you're talking about.
astoria,new york
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Everyone always complains about this..you can cry all you want but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to identify coral and know what they are without even seeing a picture like Duke said you can visualize in your head because you already know what it is. If someone says purple hornet or eagle eyes you know right away what they are talking about. It's like saying people shouldn't have names we should just be called homosapiens..Hey you know this guy? He's tall, has brown hair and brown eyes. Well that could be anyone but if you say do you know Bob Jones someone might know who you're talking about.

What's up you **** sapien

Jenna X

Advanced Reefer
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Actually what I meant to say was yes I get it, the names drive up the cost but if you have people ready to buy these signature corals then eh what are you going to do? Waiting 6 months works as well.
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Honestly I can see this from both points of view. On one hand the made up names make it easier to Id but drive up prices bcuz of made up descriptions and name associations. I fully expect someone will name a Zoa "Bad Grandpa" or "Thors Hammer"
On the other the scientific names can drive you crazy trying to remember. This is especially true with the sub species.
Everyone subscribe to the same names here on this forum. The Database here is pretty good but is user driven so there are errors. This is true of vendors sites as well. Sometimes same coral is listed several times under different names. Some of the MODs have made species listing with pic / scientific name/ benefits vs nuisance , etc. Tonyscoots84 had some really great ones.
That's my take on this pipe dream.


Advanced Reefer
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I have been trying other than a few nutzo corals. no names

people want to see crazy photoshop and crazier names. noone wants to buy pink zoo's they want armor of the gods.. ect

come see me at the swap I will have tons of corals on sale for a reasonable price, I will not be calling them by any LE name. If you want that change then support it. I have certainly tried my best.

as far as I can tell people wan to have funny names. I got so annoyed at a swap a few years ago I started making up names .. O yea that is a Blueberry banana's frag BAMM sold...


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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I can't help but agree that the more ridiculous the name is , the more your gonna feel that knife slash your wallet , if we start selling these corals for dirt cheap or giving them for free , we can start countering the greedy vendor effect that is plaguing our hobby !! Just an idea folks.

I'm actually growing Rastas like crazy and will be selling them for 50 cents each ! Now that's a deal!
Rating - 94.6%
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I used to collect all high end sps and some where very special beautiful corals but now that I'm a father and home owner I don't have any additional $ to buy those sps so I buy locally and i find jus

+1 I rarely buy at stores or from vendors. I prefer to keep my money in my pocket for more important things. When I sell my overgrowth its at a fair rate and the size of the piece or frag is much bigger than would be necessary. I commend SaltwaterinBrooklyn for selling at way below at .50 and would like to be on that list!


Winter. Time for Flakes..
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You have no one to blame but other hobbyists on that trend.
They usually make up a name and it trickles to the vendors.
Then mark up takes place on both ends.

However guess what...? The price you pay on expensive corals will depend on the hobbyist that is selling the "X" coral. Then even when "X" coral becomes so saturated in the hobby. Vendors stop paying mind to it and just sell it as a basic coral and when you still end up purchasing from another hobbyist you pay a premium.

That isn't to say that it becomes any less desirable, whether vendor or hobbyist if there is always a demand, someone has to be able to keep up with a supply.

To also add in... When you no longer see a need to purchase from vendors, they may end up no longer needing to support looking for new and unique corals to bring to the table. You lose that ability and another channel to get nice corals.
This is why you should always support your local vendors. They aren't around just to ask them questions and support you when your forum peers cannot assist.

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