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Im thinking about adding my next batch of corals. This time im looking to get corals that grow vertically and not encrusting. I THINK, I might be mistaken, that a "green Slimer" is a coral that has one stalk and grows vertically and doesn't encrust. Im looking for info on coral that grow this way because I dont want them to take up too much rock space, I only have a 40B tank. What are some corals that do this? Im ok with any all suggestions, throw them on there but im leaning more towards SPS.


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You are correct that green slimer grows vertically but it will still encrust a nice base. All acropora will grow vertically but will also encrust a nice base to support the vertical growth. Each piece is different as far as how much it encrusts. It also changes from tank to tank. For example my tyree pink lemonade encrusted almost the whole rock before really starting to grow vertically but my orange passion only encrusted a small frag plug before shooting out multiple branches vertically.


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Flow will control that grow , hard in 40 Gal. ( in my opinion) i start from frags, some go side some vertical , depend of water flow and light spot.
I got very nice Neon Green Slimmer , i will give a nice frag........Free if you want....:biggrin:


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Just to add one more think , the more you trim will be more branches stronger and nicer NOT like Bamboo. Like ugly stick.

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