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Just purchased 3 250watt MH for my 135gal (w/10K Hamiltons). I am building a canopy & also installing 2 of my old 72" VHO's with actinic's.
I have been reading thru some old threads on the subject and many of you have your MH as close as 4"...??? Wow.
I have about 40 soft corals and some LPS, but want to get some acro's.
Will 8" or 9" be too close for the softies?
Any suggestions on acclimation?
Should I mount 1 VHO on each side of the MH?

A 12" high canopy is much easier to build since I can buy 1x12 boards (actually 3/4 x 11 1/4")
But I dont want to mount too close. (I will be installing 2 fans and I have a chiller) Thanks


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No problem w chiller. Some softies will change color to adapt to uv/spectrum. Photoperiod control is very critical.Start SLOWWW. Esp with 3 halide 250s

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