Subject line pretty much says it all. My plan for this aquarium is to move the current fish and the bubble coral over to a new one that I am a few weeks away from having set up. Then I am going to get some nice peaceful fish and some more soft corals and have a good bit of soft coral growth take over the tank. I obviously need to refine my photoing technique, but these will do to get the point across. One question for all you out in the ether, what kind of clowns exactly are these? They were sold as "little nemo's" (you can guess when) by an LFS that isn't too in tune with having proper scientific names for his stock. I have had them about a year, and they were purchased as juviniles. Another question is the damsel. It was sold to me as a "South Seas Devil" but an article in FAMA a month or two ago got me to thinking it might be a female Chrysiptera Cyanea. Anyone have an opinion based on these pictures? Thanks,
Subject line pretty much says it all. My plan for this aquarium is to move the current fish and the bubble coral over to a new one that I am a few weeks away from having set up. Then I am going to get some nice peaceful fish and some more soft corals and have a good bit of soft coral growth take over the tank. I obviously need to refine my photoing technique, but these will do to get the point across. One question for all you out in the ether, what kind of clowns exactly are these? They were sold as "little nemo's" (you can guess when) by an LFS that isn't too in tune with having proper scientific names for his stock. I have had them about a year, and they were purchased as juviniles. Another question is the damsel. It was sold to me as a "South Seas Devil" but an article in FAMA a month or two ago got me to thinking it might be a female Chrysiptera Cyanea. Anyone have an opinion based on these pictures? Thanks,