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Well I have found a way to make a bigger better tank fit in my ever so small freakiashly expensive house :banghead: . I talked to Will over at Aquarium Obsessed. He is a great guy gave me a amazing price and so I will be ordering the tank Feb 1st. Should be here on 8 weeks he said :thrash: . I want to start this thread to get me going with my ideas and what you guys think. Ok ill start with the tank itself

Front and right pane Staphire
External Overflow on the left pane

Now the equiptment.......

KZ S Skimmer
Red Dragon 8.2 return
2 vortech pumps
(When $$$ comes around in the future 2 more added)
Phosban reactor w/ PhosarHC
KZ Carbon
Wavyseays on the return line
1/2 HP Pacific Coast Chiller
Lighthouse Controller
Medusa controller on the chiller and heaters
2x 400w MH IC Electronic Ballast
Lumenbright reflectors
4x 4' T5's IC Ballasts
IC Reflectors
Fiji Purple bulbs
All new Marco Rock
(Buying this weekend curing it from now to April)

The stand will be made of 2" steel tube powder coated. Im gonna skin it w/ maple and try my best to match it to my cabinets. There will be 4 pieces to the skin.
1.Top right L36"xH24"
2.Bottom right L36"xH48"
3.Top Front L57xH24"
4.Bottom Front L57"xH48"
All will be fully removable using very strong magnets (any suggestions?)

Ok I am thinking aquascape now. thinking rock wall w/ caves in it from the left wall leaving 6" from the rock to the front pane. and 1 pillar 18" in diameter or 2 pillars 12" in diameter each off set of each other.

I would LOVE to add sand to this tank I was thinking a SSB. and lots of sand stirrers for it to keep it clean. Now I never had a SSB before and never had to maintain one. What is needed to do for it ?

Its gonna be mainly all SPS like I have now w/ yumas and ricordias on the bottom. a couple of clams.

Livestock will be

Achilles Tang
Moorish Idol (Have Already)
Copperbanded Butterfly (Have Already)
Regal Yellow bellied (Have Already)
Barlett Anthias x7 (Have Already)
Blue Chromis x5 (Have Already)
Bangii Cardnials x2 (Have Mated Pair)
Clownfish x2 (Have Mated Pair)
Leapord Wrasse

Also attached is what the stand is gonna look like. The overall Size of it is 57"x36"x94"


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Well while I am @ it I might as well list my SPS I have to transfer to the new tank

LE Pink Lemonade
LE 20k Lokani
Oregon Tort
ORA Tort
Yellow w/ Blue polyp Austera
GH Aqua Delight
Kedds Limenade
RM Limenade
LE True Undata
Tubs True Echinata
Icefire Echinata
Yellow and blue tip Tenuis
ORA German Green w/ Blue polyps
Blue Turaki
GCarrols Blueberry
LE Ponape Birdsnest
LE Ponae Rosaria
ORA Green Birdsnaet
Tubs Birdsnest
GARF Bonsai
LE Purple Monster
LE sunset monti
LE Appleberry
LE Superman
LE Rainbow

LE Watermelon Chalice
Pink Yuma Colony
Mixed Ricordia colony
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lol thanks Rich so do I ;) This is it there really no room left what so ever in my house for anything more lol. Gonna Dip all my corals and then Stan is gonna keep them for me. All my fish are goin to a friends house where Im setting up a 55g For them for 2-3 months Im gonna Intro duce them back in species at a time. Then a month after that is when I will be adding my SPS back in. So figure April the tank arrives June the fish start going back in and july-august the SPS go in :) That will have the Marco rock cooking from This weekend (IF I GET A SKIMMER FOR IT BY THEN) until mid April.


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Rich do you still have my # ? Call me.

Tony you know it lol. Y do we both need tanks just one of us really do lol

Cali My buddy is taking care of that for me Ill have pics of the stand and all when there ready. I finally finished the final design on my stand so it will be started next week with getting buuilt and coated





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Well a lil update

I picked up my Marcorock 2 weeks ago. Monday Feb 25th i loaded a 75g tank w/ the rock and also ro/di water. I let it soak in the ro/di for 24 hours. On tuesday I added a heater a tunze 6100 and a mag7 for flow. From tuesday until this tuesday I did 10g WC's on it w/ high salinity water until I raised the salinity to 1.025 and have the water heated to 81 degrees F. Wend I added a euroreef skimmer to the tank thanks to a local friend. I added a shut off valve to the air intake and adjusted it to skim dry. Yesterday the water had a yellow/green tint to the water and was very foggy. Today I went there and the collection cup was full of tar like skimate and a very very thick foam overflowing and wrapped the whole outside of the skimmer. I was cleaning it off by wiping my hand from the water to the top of the skimmer and the foam wasnt breaking nothing it was that thick. I cleaned the cup and the outside of the skimmer. The water today was extremely clear today. I added a bottle of fritz-zyme 9 to speed up the cycling process.

I will take pic tomorrow of the rock curing.

The rest of this process will be like so,

Next week add 2nd bottle of Fritz-zyme 9
10-20g WC a week
Test the water every week for Ammona/Nitrite/Nitrate
Tank should be ready April 22nd
Pick up the tank
Add the rock and sand
Test the water 2 days later for:
week later add my clownfish and a big cleaning crew
then test every week and as long as everything is going right every week add my fish back into the tank.
In one months time I plan on have all 15 fish back into the tank.

When all fish are in and all test show "0" (PO4 .03), I will then Start testing for :
Cal (415)
Alk (8.0)
Mag (1500)
Pott (380)

After there inline with the way they should be I will connect my Calcium Reactor and start adding all of my SPS and LPS into the tank.

I will then start to dose my zeo additives one at a time until I get the right dosings. Gonna be using

Amino Acid
Coral Vitalizer
Pohls Coral Snow
Sponge Power
Pottasium Iodide

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