so ive had this tank for a year and 6 months, was a complete noob the first year... overstocked, too few water changes, overfeeding. Battling ich over and over again. so ive spent thousands of dollars in livestock only to have it thrown in the garbage can.. this time around im doing it right..
heres a crappy picture of my rockwork ive had for the past few months until motortrendz came by and traded my rubble for some shelf pieces and a few nices pieces that i needed so desperately for my aquascaping in my 3 tanks...they were due for a change.... ill post pics of the 30g later... i was battling cyano at the time (i believe thats what it was?) but a nice hot freshwater shower took care of that and i havent had a trace of it in over a week now...(crossing fingers)
the garbage bag over my tank is because i was in the middle of painting my tank. I didnt have a background for the entire time of the tanks life... eww...
pic#2 is the mess of a room while i was painting it...didnt get any on my floor or wall thank god! what a pain that would have been...
and then comes the finish project of the picture i just took under my LED's.
livestock are Lemonpeel angel, Flame angel, T.Percula clown, Marine betta, and 3 red legged hermits... (eel/old trigger ate all my clean up crew, lack of feeding due to me being away for a little while) =/ building my CuC up again.
i have an Aquatic life T5 with 4 36 w bulbs . 2 460 acnitics and 2 white 10ks. with 4 blue LED's.
a 10g wet/dry filter that i have a bag of phosban/carbon/and some other prechargeable phosphate bag in there forgot what its called. with a little bit of LR and LS
i also have an ABS protein skimmer rated for 120g or 150g i think, idk i got in may 09 so i forget the specs on it and the exact model it is.
looking to get some frags from people on here, want to do mainly an LPS tank with a few easy to keep SPS. i plan on testing my angels out on some polyps to see if they do any picking since experience with dwarf angels is its about 60% chance they wont pick and 40% chance they will. flames imo are known more as reef safe but you never know and lemonpeel is a toss up. i might be looking to trade my beta for either $$$ or some lps/fish/inverts/equip lol idk yet. i have to think about, i love the fish might have to go...
thanks for reading =] idk if i explained everything right or put down too much information. never posted a thread on my tank before but ill keep the pics coming, ill post pics of my 30g tank soon, have a flagtail and dragonface pipe in there and a pair of mandarins, wanna get a pair of seahorses too =]
im open to any and all suggestions and would love some feedback on the aquascape . thanks =]
heres a crappy picture of my rockwork ive had for the past few months until motortrendz came by and traded my rubble for some shelf pieces and a few nices pieces that i needed so desperately for my aquascaping in my 3 tanks...they were due for a change.... ill post pics of the 30g later... i was battling cyano at the time (i believe thats what it was?) but a nice hot freshwater shower took care of that and i havent had a trace of it in over a week now...(crossing fingers)
the garbage bag over my tank is because i was in the middle of painting my tank. I didnt have a background for the entire time of the tanks life... eww...
pic#2 is the mess of a room while i was painting it...didnt get any on my floor or wall thank god! what a pain that would have been...
and then comes the finish project of the picture i just took under my LED's.
livestock are Lemonpeel angel, Flame angel, T.Percula clown, Marine betta, and 3 red legged hermits... (eel/old trigger ate all my clean up crew, lack of feeding due to me being away for a little while) =/ building my CuC up again.
i have an Aquatic life T5 with 4 36 w bulbs . 2 460 acnitics and 2 white 10ks. with 4 blue LED's.
a 10g wet/dry filter that i have a bag of phosban/carbon/and some other prechargeable phosphate bag in there forgot what its called. with a little bit of LR and LS
i also have an ABS protein skimmer rated for 120g or 150g i think, idk i got in may 09 so i forget the specs on it and the exact model it is.
looking to get some frags from people on here, want to do mainly an LPS tank with a few easy to keep SPS. i plan on testing my angels out on some polyps to see if they do any picking since experience with dwarf angels is its about 60% chance they wont pick and 40% chance they will. flames imo are known more as reef safe but you never know and lemonpeel is a toss up. i might be looking to trade my beta for either $$$ or some lps/fish/inverts/equip lol idk yet. i have to think about, i love the fish might have to go...
thanks for reading =] idk if i explained everything right or put down too much information. never posted a thread on my tank before but ill keep the pics coming, ill post pics of my 30g tank soon, have a flagtail and dragonface pipe in there and a pair of mandarins, wanna get a pair of seahorses too =]
im open to any and all suggestions and would love some feedback on the aquascape . thanks =]