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Advanced Reefer
Merrick, NY
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LOL I can just picture my Clowns waddling even more that they already do with little bubble hiccups coming out of their mouth. I have heard of vodka dosin but not sure what or how it works I will do some research on it. Thanks!


Advanced Reefer
Merrick, NY
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Im almost done reading the RC article on vodka dosing. It sounds great but I wonder if I would be able to do it? I have a 29G and my protein skimmer is the Oceanic one. Its good but I dont think it will be strong enough to pull out all the sludge that the dosing will create.


Advanced Reefer
Bellport, NY
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I would not start vodka dosing, especially if you are worried about your skimmers performance, the tank is relatively new so you may go through blooms as it matures. Get the phosphates down and add some more flow. Also as reefsimple stated are you using ro/di water? if not you could be adding phosphates to the system everytime you top off evaporation.


Advanced Reefer
Merrick, NY
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Yes I am using RO water for top offs and for the weekly water changes.

I must admit that I used 5 G of conditioned regular tap water just once over a month ago. I used the wrong bucket, I was using the reg tap water for my sterile QT tank and forgot to label it. Could that one time have caused this?

Greg, I dont think I would do the vodka dosing with the tank I have now - maybe for a future bigger tank ... :)

I am hoping that it will go away soon. I added a phosphate remover/binder a few days ago. Today I did a 5 G water change as well. B4 siphoning out the water I used a razor scrubber for the back wall of the tank and I used a turkey baster to make the debris ont he rocks float. Then I siphoned up as much as I could. I am surprised that there is still quite a bit in there. I feel like my tank is ready for halloween, cobwebs and all. lol


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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the tank is relatively new so you may go through blooms as it matures. Get the phosphates down and add some more flow.

Marcella, the above is what I was going to tell you!;) Keep up with your w/c, decrease your photo period slowly, decrease the amount of food you feed. In time your tank will mature, and you'll see a big difference.;)

BTW, what animals do you have in your tank?


Advanced Reefer
Merrick, NY
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I have 1 peppermint shrimp (I had 2 but I just saw one dead in there and its not just the molting) not sure what happened to him
2 emerald crabs
1 coral banded shrimp
1 jawfish
1 firefish
2 ocellaris
1 yellow clown goby (does he even count as a fish? he is sooo small)
then some hermits and snails
I bought new snails yesterday(turbos and astreas) but they dont seem to be moving and cleaning like my first set of snails that the hermits ate


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Marcella, what light fixture do you have? Is it VHO, T5, or florecent, PC? If you are using the standard florecent fixture you really need to upgrade to a higher output fixture. The standard fixture is really only adequate for fish only.
As far as MicroBacter, and Reef BioFuel I have no knowledge of either.:( The only thing I ever used to help speed up the bio in my tanks was Cycle. But nothing beats time.;)
Please be patient so that you'll enjoy your reefing experience with as minor problems as possible. "Nothing good happens fast" in this hobby!!!!!:hug: Those blooms your tank is experiencing are all part of nature. The good bio will catch up in time, you'll see......


Advanced Reefer
Merrick, NY
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Thanks Awibrandy. I feel better knowing that its just part of the process and not that this is happeneing bc of something wrong I might be doing.

I have the standard lights that came with the BioCube. I plan on upgrading them maybe early next year hopefully. I thought that with these lights I could keep soft corals too?


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Marcella, when I first started in this hobby some 8yrs. ago I did the same thing.:) I started with the stock lighting, and tried to keep the softies under it. I was actually told by the people at the lfs, and Drs.Fosters & Smith that I could. I found out the hard way that it was not true.;( I lost alot of animals following their advice. It is better to read, ask questions of those that have come before us, and have experienced what we are going through. I learn something new everyday. Heck I just learned some new stuff today just by talking with another reefer over the phone.;) But one thing I have to tell you is becarefull of who's advice you follow. Not everyone that throws advice around knows what they are talking about.;) Please try to view there tank before you take advice if at all possible. BTW, you have an open invitation to come, and see mine when ever you like just shoot me a pm for # & address.:)

BTW, your gorg needs more light.
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