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I have a 90 gal w/120lbs of 80% Corraline covered rock, 1 Leather and an Elegance. I am completely unable to raise my calcium level (340) and alk is very unstable (but usually 6-8.5. Ph is 8.2, salinity is 1.025 and Magnesium is 1260. I drip Kalk 24/7 and average 1.5 gals. per day. Ihave tried Reef Advantage and Turbo Calcium and they both actually seem to lower the calcium level. I have used 2 different Salifert test kits and they both read the same. What could I be missing?

Greg Moore

Experienced Reefer
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i know it isn't what you want to hear, but I was having the same problem. Used kalk, A/B etc etc. Got it over 410 a couple of times but it was brutally unstable. I also asked the same question, had tons of helpfull info and ideas, none panned out.

I built a calcium reactor, I am now in tank heaven! I have added nothing but iodide for a couple of weeks now, ph is 8.1, ca=440 and hardness is 12.5dkh, without a flutter in any reading.

If you can, build one, or buy a used one or something, they really do work well and it's great to see, especially this time of year when I have better things to do then constant additives and drips.

Greg Moore

Cindy S

Experienced Reefer
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I powered up my tank in April. I haven't been able to get my calcium level above 325ppm, even though I'm dripping about 2 gallons @ 2t./gallon Kalkwasser per day. All other parameters are good and stable. My lfs says I shouldn't worry if the corals and coralline are looking good. They are!!! He said they are using up the calcium and that eventually the level would come up.


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Have you tried using a different test kit? About a month ago I changed kits and got a reading that was way off. I took it back to the LFS and we went through five different brands, each one gave a different reading. We even got a different reading using the same brand I was using off the shelf.

I've been using Seatest kits for years with good results. HTH

smokin reefer

Advanced Reefer
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Dude, get a test kit to check your mag. levels. Then get you some mag. additive and get your mag. up (1300 to 1500). Bet this solves your problem.

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