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Well.. i've had my cocworm for about 3 months now and it has been doing perfectly fine up to about 3 days ago.. for some reason its barely coming out and when it does it looks all shribled and then it goes right back in side after about a minute..all my other corals are doing fine.. Any one have any ideas?



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The first thing that comes to mind is that it hasn't been getting enough filter-feeder food and is starting to decline because of that. What has been your feeding regime for it up to now?


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Based on your answer, I'd say that it's definitely the reason for the problem with your coco worm. I'd go out tomorrow and get some quality filter-feeder food. Coco worms can't ingest either mysis shrimp or squid...just too big and meaty for them. There are many kinds available in good fish stores and at Internet vendors, but I wouldn't wait to get it over the Internet. It needs the nutrition as soon as possible. Filter-feeder foods are labeled as such and shouldn't be a problem to acquire. Many contain brewer's yeast and you can put that in the water column with reduced flow so ingestion can take place, if you have it at home now and want to do something immediately. But that isn't to be solely relied upon to feed the coco worm or any other filter feeder.
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coco worms are filter feeders - filter feeders can not eat mysis or squid unless you first atomize this food. To feed coco worms, you should be adding phytoplankton to the tank. It could also eat the zooplankton that live in a stable, well-matured tank.

I have had a coco worm for about two years. I can also tell you that from time to time, they just stay in the tube. Add a little phytoplankton and see what happens after a few days. Do not touch the tube - leave it alone and see what happens. But do go out and buy phytoplankton. SEveral vendors on the site sell it, I think - good luck!

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