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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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water changes & Seachem Cuprisoft.


And the poly filters as stated by Tangs Rule. But even with all of that you just never know. I had treated my fowlr with copper med once with 1 dose. I used lots of poly filters, lots of water changes, and cuprisorb. The tank is now housing fish, eels, rbta, a leather, palys, shrooms, a couple of turbo snails, and a stubborn blue leg hermit thieve living in a huge turbo snail's shell.

The problem is that you are never sure if all the copper is gone, and what animals can deal with what ever trace is in there.​


Experienced Reefer
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Thanks for all your guys help .
As per Awibrandy , even used the Poly filter and cuprisorb. It still can't totally remove the copper . So I need change the new aquarium and sump .


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Thanks for all your guys help .
As per Awibrandy , even used the Poly filter and cuprisorb. It still can't totally remove the copper . So I need change the new aquarium and sump .

Tony, I didn't say "It still can't totally remove the copper".
What I said is that you never know if it is all out. Do to the fact that I do have inverts in the tank that was treated with "Copper Safe" I believe 2 years ago.

It is said that once a tank has been treated with copper you can never place inverts in it.
Well, I have done so. But I have not introduced any sps, or lps corals in to this tank.

The corals (leathers) that I did put in it were corals that were undesirable in my reef. Followed by palys, shrooms, crabs, snails, and finally an rbta. All are doing well, and have been there for at least a year.

But I would not dare put any high end pieces in there, because I just don't want to take the chance. To me "High End" corals translate to "Delicate" corals.

Tangs Rule

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Tony, I coppered my tank and used cuprisorb, poly filters and water changes to remove it. In that same tank, I had inverts, soft corals, and lps with no issues. They all opened up very nicely. I used all of these for 6 months before adding any of the inverts or corals.

I'm not saying every case will be the same, but it worked well for me.


Experienced Reefer
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To Tangs Rule :
I appreciated for your info . Can you tell me how big is your tank and do you remove the live rock at that time ? How often do you change the cuprisorb and poly filter .

Again I appreciated for everyone's info and help .

Tangs Rule

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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My tank was 150. At the time I coppered my tank it was FOWLR. And I didn't have too much live rock in the tank, rougly 40 lbs. When I decided to convert the tank to a reef tank, I left those pieces in my tank and added the poly filter and cuprisorb. Every two weeks, I did a 50 gallon water change for 5 months. I slowly added liverock and kept testing for copper in the water. Even after I was sure all the copper was out, I kept running the poly filters and cuprisorb just in case.

When I first tried to remove the copper, I was replacing poly filters once a week (possibly even sooner.) After the copper was gone, I replaced them once every month or two. The cuprisorb was changed every month at first and then every 3 months when the copper was gone.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Tony, do you plan to keep sensitive inverts in this tank? I just placed my Harlequin in a holding container in the fowlr that was treated with copper a couple of years which I cleaned with cuprisorb, poly filters, lots of water changes, and carbon, and is now housing corals, palys, hermits and turbos.

Well the Harley is no more!;( It died within the hour.

Just thought I'd let you know. I know I won't be adding any shrimps, and such to that tank.

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