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Has anyone had any experience with ORA clownfish...good or bad.

Thinking about picking up a pair but just wondering what people have experienced with them. Being that they cost a pretty penny...I'd like to know what, if any, pitfalls I may be in for.

Did u quarantine? Any problems with medications? Aggression issues?

Any information I can gather is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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ORA are good fish breeders. Are you buying direct from them? Qt depends on you. If your just adding them by themselves you don't have to worry about affecting other fish. I know The Reef Shoppe just got in Sea and Fire clown fishes. Basic rule today is QT everything. Like I said if its just clown fish. I just observe them.


Advanced Reefer
Ronkonkoma, NY
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I ordered 2 small ORA gold nuggets from Live Aquaria about 6 months ago and they were extremely healthy. I'm very happy with them, if you watch they have sales every now and then. My feelings on tank raised fish is to try to get them from the breeders before they are exposed to wild fish
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I was looking at them on live aquaria but haven't decided if that's where I'll be getting them from just yet.

I'll will be putting them in a QT. Gambeled for years without using a QT. I was lucky but it finally bit me in the a**. Recently had a bad experience with either ich or velvet and it wiped out 5 fish in 3 days. Managed to save 1 damsel but had to tear apart the whole tank to get them out. Its recovering in QT.

So a round of prazi and Cupramine and a few weeks in QT is now part of my new fish process...as I dont want to tear apart the whole tank again.

Any stores around here that carry or can order from ORA?


Advanced Reefer
Warren, NJ
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I was looking at them on live aquaria but haven't decided if that's where I'll be getting them from just yet.

I'll will be putting them in a QT. Gambeled for years without using a QT. I was lucky but it finally bit me in the a**. Recently had a bad experience with either ich or velvet and it wiped out 5 fish in 3 days. Managed to save 1 damsel but had to tear apart the whole tank to get them out. Its recovering in QT.

So a round of prazi and Cupramine and a few weeks in QT is now part of my new fish process...as I dont want to tear apart the whole tank again.

Any stores around here that carry or can order from ORA?

John from Pop Corals ordered me a bunch from ORA, they came in very healthy. Good price too. Tell him Tony sent you.

Reef Krazy

Experienced Reefer
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I purchased an ORA snowflake clownfish from lps about 9 years ago maybe longer. I was pretty new to the hobby at the time and didn't qt and haven't had any issues. She had a mate that jumped out and when introducing a new snowflake clown she wasn't aggressive at all, I then upgraded my tank and introduced 4 more clownfish 3 regular ocellaris and 1 Darwin and they have been getting along. She was also my only survivor when my tank crashed years ago.

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