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Advanced Reefer
Melville, NY
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I have a ton of spirulina powder for gut loading baby brine shrimp, just wondering if anyone has tried using it on frozen mysis before feeding, and how do you go about it? I’ll never use it all for the brine before the expiration date lol


Experienced Reefer
Central Texas
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Only thing that occurs to me is to find a DIY recipe using gelatin as a binder. Kinda seems like a lotta work though and could be messy or create excess nutrient issues if it's not all eaten.


New Reefer
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Yes, you can use spirulina powder on frozen mysis! Just thaw the mysis, sprinkle a bit of spirulina powder on them, and mix gently. The mysis will absorb some of the spirulina and its nutrients. The time can be about 15-30 minutes.Let it sit for a few minutes so the powder sticks, then feed as usual. Don't use warm water to thaw it as high temperatures may damage the nutritional content. It’s a great way to boost nutrition!


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Yes, you can use spirulina powder on frozen mysis! Just thaw the mysis, sprinkle a bit of spirulina powder on them, and mix gently. The mysis will absorb some of the spirulina and its nutrients. The time can be about 15-30 minutes.Let it sit for a few minutes so the powder sticks, then feed as usual. Don't use warm water to thaw it as high temperatures may damage the nutritional content. It’s a great way to boost nutrition!
Thank you so much for the info.

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