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Question on Zoas, I have two seperate colonies of zoas in my tank, one colony is doing fine, its responsive to lighting, feeds, and the polyps are wide open, i have another colony for which the polyps are the behaving the exact exact opposite, in fact move of the colony is either close or half open. Any suggestion as to what may be the issue?


Barnum Island
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Can you possibly post a pic of both colonies and another of where they are in relation to each other?
Do you possibly have another coral nearby that might be irritating the one in question?

Perhaps you can also tell us a little about your tank..size, lighting, flow...

One thing to keep in mind before we can answer your question, zoas don't like to be moved around, they will pout until they get comfortable in their new location. Also different types/colors of zoas prefer different lighting, some like it higer up than others and some will simply melt away if they are too high up.
They are complicated little beauties ;)

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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is there too much flow in that part of the tank, or another coral bothering it. try moving the bad one by the good one to give it close to the same conditions that the open one gets.


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I have a 28 gal JBJ cube, lighting is 150W 20k HQI,
water quality is controlled by,
- a center chamber is packed with ceramic filter media,
- a tunez 9002 skimmer
- CPR refugium with mangroves, chaeto, LR rubble,
- tank ~40 pounds of LR rock, 4 inches of sand, 30 or so nassarius, and tiger tail, red gracilera, halimeda, fire fern macro
- flow is provided by stock a powerhead for the return jets on the overflow. 266 GPH and a minijet 1200

Kathy to your comment above, There been a lot of shuffling around in my tank so that may be the cause, not much in terms of aggressive corals. how temperamental are zoa? how much flow and how much lighting? also if there not opening up now.. will they adapt to their new location and eventually open fully or will i need to move them?

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