hey guys, i have a hood that needs to be made for my small tank. I was wondering if anyone could make it for me. Lmk thanks, of course money is the form of payment.
i don't believe my supplier will build a hood that small, but I could ask if you would like something of that quality - hogshoods.com makes good basic nano hoods, but you might be able to make the same thing yourself
well i am looking for a hood for my tank that opens from the top so i don't have to remove the hood while feeding, also 2 holes for 80 MM fans. And about 3 inches from the water. That is all I would also like it finished. I have no measurments for the tank, but i did trace it with paper. So you can go from that. I can send it to you if the price is resonable. Lmk guys, i rather give it to a local person then hogshood. Its for a small 3.2 gallon tank.