Squirrelfish, Sargocentron sp.

by | Jun 20, 2017 | Fish, Reef, Science | 0 comments

squirrelfishI have a small, three inch Sargocentron sp. or squirrelfish for you today once again found on our last expedition to St. Eustatius, which is a super tiny island in the Caribbean. Remember we talked about the “sp.” which means “species’ meaning it may or may not be a new species from this family, we all have to sit tight and wait for a little DNA to come back before we all know for sure. Squirrelfish tend to spend their days hanging out in the shadows or under reef overhangs minding their own business and become more active at night. They feed on shrimp and crabs and tend to be in small groups and are for sure a very common reef fish. I remember my wife’s sister coming down to Curacao one year for some diving and upon exiting the water she excitedly proclaimed “her hands down favorite fish she saw was the big eye squirrelfish”, I think that was the first time I ever remember anyone saying that was their favorite fish, I guess squirrelfish need love too! MORE


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